Chapter 6

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I woke up to Jennifer lying on her head my chest her long soft hair all over me after experiencing the horrifying dream revealing the truth of why my dad left. Then I noticed something... She was only in lingerie for some reason. Then I realized I was only in my underwear. I felt super embarrassed and also somewhat uncomfortable. I wondered if she had tried anything since what I last remembered. I looked around realizing where I was almost instantly due to the cage on her nightstand. Also due to the style of the room; I was in her room at the castle somehow, where I don't remember being at all when I died I think. I had no clue how or why I had been resurrected. It made no sense to me. I wanted to get up but I really didn't want to wake her up. So I just sat there kind of awkwardly petting her head hoping she would wake up soon. My heart pumping and my thoughts out of control due to the current situation. I looked to where I was stabbed but there was only a scarred outline of the hole that used to be there. It was sunrise I think due to the light creeping from in between the two curtains at the one window in the room. Suddenly Jennifer moved and I looked down at her still probably as red as a tomato. And that's when she woke up. She lifted her head up and rubbed her eyes gently yawning cutely sounding like a kitten. I heard her smell the air then turn to me almost as if she picked up on a scent. She locked eyes with me and her eyes lit up happily.
She smiled her usual sharp toothed but also attractive smirk. "You're actually alive!" She wrapped her arms around me tightly probably cutting off my circulation before drawing back. Her smile faded suddenly and she seemed really mad.
I looked at her confused, "What's wrong?" That seemed to tick her off more as she slapped me hard across the face. It hurt a bit but it shocked me more then anything. I didn't say anything not wanting to make her pissed off more. She screamed at me, "You Demi-Gods are so stupid! Always thinking you can be the hero! And also not get hurt by anything!"
She turned her back to me. I stayed quiet not knowing what to say or do. Awkward silence filled the room.
There was a sudden knock at the door and she sighed turning to me. "Don't say anything please." I nodded quietly unsure what was going to happen next. She yelled, "Come in!"
The large door to her room swung in and a maid came running in taking what looked like a laundry basket with bloody clothes. Then after snapping out of my stupidity. I realized she was taking my clothes. I wanted to say something but didn't dare to go against what Jennifer had told me to do. A older lady maybe in her late 20's walked in holding a book. She had on circular glasses and a long purple and white dress that had a black line at the bottom. She stopped in the doorway abruptly; seeing me (just in underwear) in bed with the ruler of the kingdom. She blushed a tad but she adjusted her glasses trying to stay professional.
She looked mad after a second. She yelled but not like a loud yell, "My lady, you cannot he seen in bed with a human boy!"
Jennifer rolled her eyes clearly not wanting to be told what to do, "You and all your dumb rules about men." The lady who I assume was the royal advisor or whatever they call them, was not pleased with her response but took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. "My lady, the humans have almost entirely been pushed out of New York City by some entity. And the two Demi-Gods in the dungeon wish to be free to stop it."
Jennifer shook her head, "We aren't letting those two lose again after they both attempted to try to kill me. Now go away. I have business to attend to."
The royal advisor rolled her eyes and walked our shutting the door behind her. I looked to Jennifer as she got back on her normal dress. "Who're the two Demi-Gods she was talking about?"
She looked at me and sighed. "The two guys from that tree house a while ago. Hunter and Toby I think their names are. But let me get you some clothes first unless you want to walk around the castle and get extra attention." She started to dig through her drawers. I had completely forgot about those two guys as they kind of screwed me over.
I walked over by her side "Why would I attract extra attention?"
She looked at me then looked down between my legs then turned away. I laughed a bit to myself quietly. She got red when she looked down. She pulled out some mega ugly cargo shorts and checkered patterned over-shirt. The squares in the pattern rotated between red and black. She turned back to me looking dead at my face blushing heavily like she was trying not to look down. "Sorry but this all I have. I got it off a lumberjack so that's why they're both ugly." She handed them to me and turned around. I put both on. The cargo shorts were baggy and ugly but they'd work for now. The shirt though wasn't that bad, it fit pretty well somehow. She turned around and sighed laughing a tad to herself. "You look like a geek but it's fine."
I shrugged it off not really caring. "We need to return to the surface now." I needed to help control this thing that took over my home. And also to kill it. I didn't care who or what it is. I'm ending it's life.

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