How we met

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*this is a little bit of background. Kinky stuff starts next chapter.

You're the girlfriend of one of Korea's most popular idols, Johnny Youngho Seo. It's both the best and worst thing in the world. His tight busy schedule only allows you to see him for a few hours at night. Not to mention the fact that no one knows you guys are dating.

But you tell yourself it's all worth it because it's Johnny.

You were home alone again. Waiting for him to enter through the door. While awaiting his arrival you sit on the couch with tea in your hand. You're on your phone scrolling through social media. You take a sip forgetting that it's hot right out of the pot. And spill all over you.

You scream in agony. "Ouch! wow this only happens to me."

As you stand up to clean yourself off the spilt tea you drop the picture frame standing on the table stand next to you. It's you and Johnny the day you both met in front of a coffee shop in Seoul.

As you pick up the photo you start to reminisce the day you met and smile in joy.


That day you were on a trip to Seoul, Korea. You barely knew how to speak korean but you really wanted coffee. You entered this small shop and stared at their menu confused as to what it all said. A tall slim young man enters. His face was covered with a mask and he had a hat on. You didn't quite care to pay attention because your mind was worried about how you were going to get that coffee you've been craving.

"Oh my gosh why is korean so confusing!" You yell out in frustration.

You're on your phone trying to translate the entire menu and feel a presence looking over your shoulder. His warm breath reaches your neck and he starts speaking to you.

"You know at this rate you're never gonna get coffee. Are you really translating the entire menu?" He says while laughing.

You're overjoyed by the fact that you've finally met someone that speaks English!

"Wow you speak English? Thank god! Could you help me"

"Sure. What do you want? They have everything here. Mochas, macchiatos, lattes, expressos, everything" he replied.

"Uhm I'm more of an espresso girl. Do they have caramel hazelnut expressos?"

Johnny proceeded to order your drink in korean. His voice was so sexy you couldn't help but feel a little moved.

As you reached into your purse attempting to pull out some money to pay, he grabbed your hand and said "no it's okay. I got it already. I was getting coffee too so I just paid for both"

In shock at his kindness you stay quiet then ask "what's your name?"
"Johnny" he replied. "And you?"
"I'm (y/n). Thank you for your help and the drink."

You choose a table to sit at and waited there patiently for your beverage to get brewed. He started walking towards you and took a seat in front of you. "Is this seat taken?" He asked. "Not at all" you said shyly. When the waitress brought over both your coffees he finally took off his mask and lifted his hat.

You couldn't stop staring at how beautiful he was. His dark caramel hair and deep brown eyes struck you. You didn't know why but your heart started beating faster.

The conversation carried on and you took a picture together then exchanged numbers before going your own way.


Who could've thought that one encounter would lead to today? You smile because at that time you had no idea you'd just met the one and only NCT Johnny.

Distracted by this memory you didn't notice Johnny come home from the studio. He sneaks up behind you and asks "why are you all wet baby? It's turning me on"


𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘔𝘐𝘕𝘌 - 𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘑𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now