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Why is it that every time you have a good day, it turns into a bad one?

You're trying to think about how to fix this situation. Johnny looks pissed. There's not much you can both do without making it obvious you're dating. You're both inside and can tell he's very mad.

Johnny punches the wall and hurts his hand. You come over to see if he's okay.

Johnny: why didn't you tell me you were shooting with him!

You: I didn't think it mattered I'm sorry

Johnny: you never think it matters, y/n open your damn eyes! he WANTS you. Do you still not realize that!

You: I just wanted to fix our friendship I feel like I hurt him deeply

Johnny: do you ever think about how I'd feel? Seeing my girl with another man and not being able to do anything

The conversation got tense and serious. Johnny went from being angry to desperate. He looked at you with hopeless sad eyes. You didn't know how to reply. You've been trying too hard to care ... or maybe too selfish. In life you're not supposed to know everything but you wished you knew how to make everything better. So you shove your face in his chest and hug him.

"I'm sorry baby." you say.

You're determined to fix it. You call your manager to set up an interview with the media. You and Hyunbin are a hot topic at the moment so there's no way they'll say no. The question is, how will you convince Hyunbin to come on as well?

Your manager was able to set it up for you. So now you're left with one task: getting Hyunbin to comply. Even if he does agree to go with you, there's no guarantee he'll tell the truth.

You text him:
"Hey it's me. I know everything's been crazy lately. I know you saw the magazine. You're probably trying to avoid me but we should clear things up. I got us an interview with the media. You should come with me if you can, it's okay if you don't want to but I intend to tell the truth. It's happening tomorrow at 8am at [address]"

You don't expect a reply. But of course he doesn't say a word back. The morning comes. Johnny already left to SM and didn't kiss you goodbye. Was he still mad? You're anxious but tell yourself you can do this. You get ready and dress to impress.

[fast forward at the news station]
(It's not a news station for tv. It's like Soompi or AllKpop. Online news that spread too fast and the ones that started the drama to begin with. it's also not live. It's pre recorded and will be edited later before getting uploaded)

Interviewer: Miss? Are we ready?

You look around. He really didn't show up. What more could you expect?

"yes I'm ready" you said with a fake smile

Interviewer: "so we are here today with the face of the new Elle August issue. She's been a huge sensation around the Internet lately being called "the perfect couple" with her co-worker model Hyunbin. I present to you y/n."

You smile and say hello.

Interviewer: hello y/n we're very excited to have you here with us. Tell us what it has been like to become famous overnight.

You: I wouldn't say I'm famous per say. People more so only know my face.

Interviewer: that's right you and that young man caused quite an explosion for your good looks and being what the young people call "couple goals" tell me what this means for you

You: well you see, we aren't a "couple" me and Hyunbin are merely only friends

Interviewer: come on. We know where this is going. You say you're only friends but in reality you're closer than we think and will start dating soon enough

You: no. We are only friends. In fact I'm actually already in a—

Out of nowhere Hyunbin appears.

Hyunbin: yes that's right. We're dating. Thanks for supporting us and buying the magazine we appreciate the compliments but would like to end the interview here thank you.

He then takes you with him out of the filming studio.

To be continued.

𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘔𝘐𝘕𝘌 - 𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘑𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now