Tower in the shower

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You have Hyunbin over to catch up. You bought clothes together so you wanted to show each other your purchases. You shower first. Johnny comes home early from work unexpectedly and wanted to surprise you so he uses the back door. He's surprised to see Hyunbin but doesn't make a sound. He's very jealous and angry you didn't tell him again. And he's invited in this time. Even worse, while looking for you he finds out you didn't lock the door before showering. You don't know he's home. You're in the shower and he sneaks in. You're facing the shower head so don't notice anything. Doesn't help that you shower with music on. He puts it a bit louder which you don't pay attention to. Seeing your perfect sexy figure naked makes him very hard. He opens the shower door and places his hand over your mouth. You FREAK out and think Hyunbin or someone broke in to rape you. You bite the hand freeing your mouth and scream before turning around to see it's only Johnny. Hyunbin runs over and yells out asking if everything is alright and if you needed him to come in through the door. You say that everything is good and lie you saw a spider. Meanwhile Johnny is still so mad at you he puts his erect one against your butt cheeks then forces it in. You scream but he's still covering your mouth so it's a muffled sound. It's like he inserted you a tower in the shower. And then he pounds you from the back. You can't do anything but just let him because once Johnny starts he can't be stopped. It hurt at first but quickly feels so good after your hole has expended a bit from his huge cock. His hand still over your mouth. He bends over a little and talks quietly in your ear "this is what you get for having another man over" he pounds you one more time super hard it makes you close your eyes and open quickly. Then repeats "this is for leaving the door unlocked while you showered with him in the house" and one more pound even harder "and this is for doing all of that without my consent. You very bad girl" it hurt so much. Each and every pound was so deep you felt it in your lower stomach. You were in agony but loved it. You moan with your mouth closed. He then flips you forward to face him and releases your mouth. He lifts your left leg up to leave room for his still very hard cock. He's not going easy on you at all. He's inserting it in so fast and hard you moan so loud but try to be as quiet as possible. You stare at him and his beautiful wet face. You feel guilty and can tell he's very angry. You love him more than the world so you stay quiet, not knowing how to start explaining yourself. So you simply say one thing: I love you babe I'm sorry. He then replies "yeah? Take that as a lesson. You're mine I own you" to which you say "yes johnny I'm only yours." He's so turned on by your compliant behavior and moaning that he finishes quickly after that. Making a huge white mess all over your face. He then pokes your boobs, slaps your butt before leaving the shower and wraps a towel over his hips but gives you one last killer stare before exiting, flicking his gorgeous hair in a single hand gesture. You're left flabbergasted. Can't believe what just happened and what he risked exposing JUST to show you he owns you. You're at a loss of words and stare into emptiness with your mouth open. You become a robot in shock and dry up and leave the bathroom to go to the room. You prepare for a fight soon. Once you enter you lock the door and both are naked. You drop the towels which were the only items of clothing you had and start staring at each other. You're now back on earth and serious. "I'm sorry" you start off. "Why is he here" he said very mad "since we went shopping the other day we decided to style each other today. Nothing more I swear. I didn't tell you cause I didn't think you'd care who I have over. Plus you're busy I don't want you to worry." Johnny: "You don't understand. It's not that babe. It's the fact that you're MY woman. And he's a MAN."
"Sorry" you say and look down on the side of the room awkwardly. "I didn't mean to make you mad I didn't realize you'd care so much" he walks towards you and hugs you. "You're mine. Mine only. I will fight anyone that takes you away from me" you're surprised again and with your face inside his chest you hug him back. "I love you I'm sorry it won't happen again you don't need to worry"
"I don't like this guy. He likes you. You need to break this relationship before it breaks ours"
"babe you're worrying too much he's only an old friend. I owe him so much he helped me when I first got here. You know that."
"I know that yes but I also know when a guy likes a girl and wants her"
"you're being paranoid but for you I'll end it"
"thank you"
you get dressed and join Hyunbin in the living room. "Sorry I took so long" you said while fake smiling with with your eyes. "Hey you didn't change! You were supposed to wear the outfit and show me." He said in a joking way and smiled. Until he noticed your sad face. He then became serious and got closer. Johnny was watching the entire thing from the corner of the room. "I don't think we can be friends anymore Hyunbin I'm sorry"
he suddenly had a confused face "wait what? Why?"
"You have to go" you keep looking down to avoid eye contact you don't want to break his heart it's your fault he's here in the first place. You took it this far. But why? Maybe you felt a sense of security with him. Johnny's always gone Hyunbin gave you the manly reassurance you always lacked. But it can't continue. Then all a sudden while you turn around to show him the door, he holds you from the back, wrapping his arms around your whole body. You blush and your eyes get huge.
He says "I can't leave sorry, I like you"


To be continued.

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