Breakfast in bed

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Life is hard when you can't openly date someone. Hiding this relationship with Johnny is a never ending struggle. Finally. A day for just you two to enjoy. NCT127 is off schedule for a bit and you're free. So you decide to spend time as a couple.

You're in bed trying to get up. It's already 10am. It felt nice to sleep in with Johnny. You're only wearing a long white shirt. Johnny only has boxers on.

"Babe wake up" you said while pulling the blanket off his body, only to reveal a surprise. He was hard.
You get shy and cover it back up.
"What's wrong baby? You don't like what you see?" Johnny said in a playful tone. He then grabs your head in towards him and starts making out with you. After a few tongue rolls he stops kissing you and says: I missed you.

Damn. He's so sexy and you just can't resist Johnny. You pin him down on the bed and lay on top of him. You kiss his lips, then neck, then pecs and abs, making your way down to his cock.

"Oh. So she did like what she saw" he said with a smirk.

You pull down his Calvin Klein boxers and his big one jumps straight up. You start sucking it softly and teasing him with the tip. He groans a little in pleasure but wants you to go all in. But you won't give it to him yet. So he gets impatient and gets up. He takes you by the hips and spreads your legs. He penetrates you in a single hard thrust.

The first few ones always hurt because his cock is just that big. But you love it once your hole widens.
"Johnny. I love you"
You said while still making love. He smiles in the most innocent way and keeps fucking you harder with each thrust. After you're both done you get cleaned up and ready for the day ahead.

He goes to the kitchen and cooks you breakfast. He's half naked and his beautiful silky black hair shines through. You're so incredibly lucky to have him. You stare at this sight for a while then go up to him and hug his back.

"I don't say this a lot but ... I'm thankful for you. I'll cherish this forever" you said to him while still wrapping your arms around his waist as he cooks. He turns around towards you and kisses you on the forehead.
"Likewise babygirl"

There's just something about Johnny that you can't replace. He gives you a sense of adventure and wilderness but also comfort and protection. He truly is the one.

After eating breakfast and cleaning up you leave to the movie theater. This new movie came out and Johnny was supposed to go see it with Jaehyun but he chose you instead.

Since he's so famous now it's hard going out at all. You had to reserve seats under your name and constantly cover your faces with a mask. But it's all worth it because this love you have with Johnny overpowers any difficulties along the way.

You're both inside the theater seated together on a couple seat. You have the very top row to yourselves. Not many people are in the room with you. Johnny looks around, only about 11 share the place. You wonder why he was counting or looking out. What's going on in his mind? You weren't prepared for what he was about to do.


To be continued

How we feelin Johnny fam? Are we holding in? 😆
Qotd: what's your favorite Johnny look? Mine was definitely Regular era. I'm a basic bish lol wow did he wreck me hmm hmm daddy
And that Johnny focus ... say no more

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