In the car

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(It's quite a long background story, kinky stuff starts at the ☆ I promise it's really good hehe)

It's a normal boring day again. You sigh because you miss Johnny but again he's always so busy you have to be alone most of the time. It's the sacrifices of dating an idol.

You wake up around 8am like usual and walk over to the fridge only to discover that it's empty.

Ugh. I have to go grocery shopping today.

You quickly make yourself a coffee while watching Netflix on the TV. After a couple episodes of your favorite k-drama you dread going to the store.

Hmm since it's early I might as well go shopping for clothes too. It won't be busy it's a Tuesday anyway.
You think to yourself while standing in front of your closet naked, waiting to get dressed.

Maybe I should hit up Soojin to come with me and we can hangout! We haven't seen each other in a while. I wonder what she's up to.
You proceed to send her a fast text.

"Hey girlie are you busy today? Let's go shopping! I miss you. Xoxo"

After a dozen minutes she replies back:
"Oh hey girl! Omg I miss you too. Hmm well I have this event going on from 10am to maybe 5pm but it could run on longer sorry but not today!"

You're disappointed and bummed out because today would be the perfect day to hangout with your best friend.

Uwu i was hoping Soojin could come with me. It's okay I'll go alone then ...
Wait! Maybe I can hit him up!

"Hey Hyunbin. If you're not doing anything today let's go shopping and catch up :)"

He's an old friend you met when you first came to Korea. Since you're a model and so is he, you tended to work together sometimes. He was always so nice to you and helped you around to adjust to this new country. But over time you lost touch. So you wanted to rekindle an old friendship.

Not expecting him to say yes, you leave your phone and get ready. You're thinking you might go out all day so might as well do your makeup and dress nicely.

Sitting down in front of your vanity you think to yourself
Ouh this red lipstick is pretty. I'll put it on. Plus it was a gift from Johnny.

You're wearing a cute short dress and curled your hair a bit. Just so it doesn't look messy. You put on pearl earrings to match with the outfit and go out the door.

Okay so I have the grocery list, my phone, my wallet, my car keys and—

You're stopped by the ring of your phone going off. It's Hyunbin.

(On the call)
Hey (y/n) it's been a while how've you been? Anyway where do you wanna meet I'm totally down to go shopping with you"

Awesome! Let's go to the mall downtown I'll meet you there right now actually!"

(End of call)

You're excited to meet him again after such a long time of not seeing each other. You drive to the mall with the big black Range Rover Johnny owns. It's quite a large car with tinted backseat windows. Once you get there and encounter Hyunbin you blush because he's a very handsome guy and you guys catch up on life. Of course you can't tell anyone about dating Johnny so he thinks you're still single. You guys tell each other jokes about being models in the industry nowadays and both laugh.
Then all a sudden you see Johnny and Jaehyun from a distance. You miss your man but can't engage in any interaction publicly so you just pretend you didn't see him.

Oh. Here goes an idol. There's a few girls following them over there. I wonder who it could be cause their faces are all covered.

I facepalm myself like why Johnny why did you have to make it obvious it's you. But you go on with your day. You say goodbye and hug before parting ways with Hyunbin. You had a great time today. You get back in your car and Johnny comes running in super fast.

In the car:
"Johnny!" You shout, surprised he's actually risking to be seen with you. "What are you doing!"

He looks very mad and out of breath. "I had to run away from the fansites and asked Jaehyun to cover me. But that's besides the point. Can't I see my woman when I desire to?" He said in a mean tone.

"No it's not that. It's just that you don't usually do this. Why did you run in like that—" you were cut off.

"Who's that guy" he said while looking at you seriously. "And why were you flirting with him. I saw you laugh. You didn't tell me you were seeing a guy today. Why'd you hide it from me? Are  you cheating on me?"

You can't help but start giggling a bit.
"You're jealous it's cute" you said while smiling.

He blushes and pouts a bit. But then gets serious again. "You didn't answer my question. And why do you look so good! And you're wearing red lipstick! Is that the one I bought you!"

"Johnny calm down" you said while smiling.

"Don't ask me to calm down or I will pound you against this seat right now."
He said a bit angrily.

"No you won't. You have to get back anyway. Jaehyun is waiting and I'm sure your manager is too."

"Challenge accepted"

He grabs you and makes out with you passionately. While kissing, you try to put in a few words. "Don't you— have to— go?" He doesn't reply.

He's now turned on. It's too late to stop now. You feel his hard cock press against your thigh.
"If you won't tell me I'll keep going until you do" he then unzips his pants and takes off your dress while still making out. You think it's all very amusing so you don't say a word. He keeps going.

He transfers you to the backseat and throws you on there. Now you want it too. As he sits down on the bench you ride his tower on top of him and moan loudly. It's so big and just feels so good.

"Thats my baby girl" he whispers sexily.

After you're both done and made love so roughly, you start to dress back up.

"I'm still mad at you. You didn't answer me" said Johnny with piercing eyes.

"I couldn't! You kept cutting me off!"

"I'm still waiting woman. Don't make me go round 2 on you"

You laugh and start explaining everything. After which Johnny gets relieved and relaxed.

"You could've told me earlier so I didn't have to do what I did!"

You kiss him one last time and kick him out because you know he shouldn't be with you. "GO!" You shout. "I love you"

"Love you too!" As he runs back towards the mall you smile and wonder how your life got this interesting.

Back at the mall:
Jaehyun: bro you look like you just got laid

End of scenario 3

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