The end

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You're in shock not being able to do anything about what just happened. Did he just confirm the dating rumors? Without your consent?
He's still dragging you with him out the street endlessly walking.

You: where are we going?
He doesn't reply.

You make him let go off you. he turns around with his sexy bad boy face on

You: what the hell were you thinking?! We need to fix this. We're not a couple! We need to go back—

Hyunbin: stop pretending you don't have feelings for me too, I can see it in your eyes

You: see what? I don't have feelings for you! I'm in love with Johnny. He's the only one for me.

Hyunbin: then why do you keep coming back to me?

You: I don't- I'm not- this isn't- i just-

Hyunbin: you what

You: Hyunbin listen. I was only trying to be nice okay. I'm sorry you caught feelings for me. I'm sorry you got hurt but we aren't a thing. I'm already with Johnny. I could never leave him.

Hyunbin: it's obvious isn't it? you're not meant to be with him

You: and what? Be with you? [you laugh] I don't think love is about being perfect for each other. It's about fighting and overcoming everything together. Someday you'll find the one and realize I was right

Hyunbin: y/n I think you're the blind one. You don't see how well we go together? Even after seeing everyone saying we are?

You: Hyunbin idk how many times I have to say this but I'm already in love with someone. I won't leave Johnny

Hyunbin: look at me
[He stares deep into your eyes then takes your hand and puts it on his chest]
Feel my heart beating. You can't tell me to let this go. I can't. I tried. Many times

You get shy. His eyes are beautiful and his stare is intimidating. His heart is beating so fast. But so is yours.

You: I—

Hyunbin: you see? I tried to fight it. I tried to deny it. I tried to let you go. My feelings only got deeper

You: I'm sorry!

You take your hand back and start running back to the news station leaving Hyunbin behind. Once you get there you rush to tell them not to post that interview and to film a new one. They say they don't have time to shoot a new segment but they can edit out where Hyunbin popped in. Even if the scoop was too good to let go, they said they respected your choice and didn't want to force you into a corner. You got lucky.

You get out of the building. Hyunbin is waiting outside. You try to avoid him by pretending you didn't see him. So he walks up to you and gets on your way.

Hyunbin: you told them not to keep my appearance huh?

You: [in a tired voice] I just want the truth out that's all

Hyunbin: what's gonna happen to us?

You: Hyunbin there was never an "us"

Hyunbin: fine. where are we?

You: I don't think we can stay friends. It hurts Johnny too much

Hyunbin: so this is the end?

You: I'm sorry. I truly am. It's my fault. I didn't know it'd go this far. I just wanted a friend. In the end everyone got hurt because I made the wrong decisions [you start to cry]

Hyunbin: [dries your tears] hey don't cry

You: it's too late now. I got us in such a huge mess I wish I didn't exist I'm so stupid—

Hyunbin: don't say that. you're human and made a mistake. I see how much he means to you. I'll let you go for good and move away. I think that's the best decision right now.

You: I'm sorry Hyunbin. You're a great friend. Johnny means more than the world to me

Hyunbin: I wish we met under different circumstances. Then maybe we could've been happy. Goodbye y/n

He kisses your forehead and leaves. You whisper goodbye in the empty air and go home.

It's been a hectic ride. But this is finally over. The news came out saying you're not a couple but merely just coworkers. Johnny comes home and saw everything you did while he was gone. He's impressed and knows he can trust you. He hugs you and says:

lets get married.

The end!

Thank you for being part of this journey with me! I enjoyed writing this piece so much but sadly it had to come to an end! Idk I might continue it someday or write more as a different book! I feel like this is as far as I can make this story go and smuts are hard to write. I hope to continue writing different books? Depends on how busy I get. I feel like it's hard when no one reads your stories it's discouraging but we'll see! I can't say how much fun I had with this! Thanks everyone!
(T ^ T)

Signing out, p.

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