[story break 2]

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[A few days earlier, after the mall incident]

Johnny took your phone in secret to see exactly who was this guy you've been talking to. Can he trust you? he wasn't sure you were telling the truth even if he knew you weren't the type to cheat on him. He goes through your messages and notices that you've only texted Hyunbin and your best friend that day at the mall. He's not someone close or at least didn't seem like a threat. But no one can be too sure.
Johnny texts Hyunbin through your phone:

J: Who are you?
H: who's asking?
J: I'm her boyfriend
H: she never told me she was seeing someone
J: because she doesn't need to tell you everything. you don't know her
H: what do you want? Get to the point
J: to be short, idk you but if you like her i want you to stop seeing her
H: okay idk your name but if you're really her boyfriend and truly love her you should let her be happy with whatever she chooses, whether it be you or someone else

At this moment Johnny realized that, this guy he's never met before, was right.
He hated to admit it but he doesn't want to be the person to control someone's desires and happiness. He wanted you to be free.

J: fine. I'll give her an option but we have to both agree to the terms
H: go on
J: if she chooses me, you have to agree never to see her again
H: and if she chooses me?
J: ill let her go

Johnny deleted all the messages so you wouldn't see and acted as if nothing happened.


[back to the present]

It's been a couple weeks since you last saw Johnny. He hasn't come home or even packed his stuff to go. He's probably sleeping at the NCT dorms or crashed with one of the members. He has clothes at the studio from his trainee years so you don't think he'll come back to get his belongings. You wonder if this was truly the end.
Are you never going to see Johnny ever again? Never going to hear his voice or play with his hair. Never going to wake up with him next to you ... never be intimate with him again.

He's not answering any of your texts or calls. You're really starting to think he broke up with you like that. You just want to talk to him. You want to tell him how much you love him, how much you miss him, how if you could go back in time, you'd choose him right away. But it's too late.

Johnny moved in with Doyoung for the time being because he's the most understanding and least busy. They go out a lot to make him take a few things off his mind. Johnny's been heavily drinking and clubbing. His mental state was degrading and you could tell during the dance practices and NCT vlogs. You can't just show up at the SM headquarters and request to see him. You wish you could do something.
The members are getting more and more worried about him. They try to console him and make him forget about you but nothing comes that easy. He's constantly mad and doesn't talk much anymore. So Jaehyun decides to call you.

[phone ringing]
Jaehyun: hello ... y/n?


To be continued

𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘔𝘐𝘕𝘌 - 𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘑𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now