What to do?

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This was the last thing you thought could happen to you today. It's been a few weeks since he left you that night at the club. You miss his presence and support but you knew he deserved better. You tried texting him and calling him to apologize but he never picked up or replied. You want to walk up to him and ask him why he's ignoring you. It's Hyunbin you have to shoot with, in a WEDDING dress!

He's slim and tall, the Groom suit looks incredibly good on him. He's a very handsome man. His hair was slicked back and his forehead showed. You'd never seen it before. It's kind of intimidating. He's very attractive.

Something is telling you not to go near him. To walk away and ask your manager to cover for you again. A stomach ache? A family emergency? But you have too many questions for him. Why did he disappear like that? Why did he like you? but also. Can he ever forgive you?

So you decide to walk up to him. He's looking away trying to avoid your eye contact. After noticing that you're coming his way, he started to talk to his manager. You could overhear it. He was trying to leave. Was he hurt that bad that he never wanted to see you again? You didn't understand. You were hurt he was attempting to avoid you.

As you got closer he seemed scared. He turned away quick and just couldn't look. You were just so beautiful. What else could he do? He promised Johnny never to see or speak with you again. He told himself he'd give up on you and let you go.

So now you're right in front of him. He suddenly tries to walk away. But before he could, you grabbed onto him.

"Hyunbin!" You said.

He missed your voice. It aches his heart. He turns to you finally but looks down.
"Please. [pause] Don't make this harder than it already is." He said with a sad look in his eyes.

You could tell he was in pain seeing you again. Did he love you this bad his heart was so broken? You don't want to be a bad memory for him. You want to make it up for him. He's always been there for you but you just realized, you weren't there for him.

"Hey can we talk?"

"Uh idk"

"Please. After this shoot, let's grab coffee or something"

Hyunbin looks unsure.

"Please. I NEED to know you're okay"

"Fine then"

"Okay please wait for me afterwards! I know this cool place my friend owns."


"Let's finish this shoot now, fighting!"

Hyunbin was hesitant but couldn't just walk away. He takes pride in his modeling work and Elle magazine was a big stepping stone for him. He remembered his promise to Johnny but there was nothing he could do. Work is work.

You guys both go on with the shoot and pose together. The photographer asks you to look married. You both blushed and felt awkward but kinda laughed afterwards and went with it. The pictures look amazing.
"Great smile you two! If I didn't know you I'd say you're in love" the photographer said.

This is a sentence that got you both shocked and unable to function afterwards. Your heart is beating so fast. Are you? Are you in love? You think to yourself then shake your head denying it. No! I love Johnny.

It's the end of the day. You wait for Hyunbin outside the studio. But right when he comes out, someone else is heading over your way. It's Johnny. And he looks mad seeing you with him again.


To be continued

𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘔𝘐𝘕𝘌 - 𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘑𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now