You decide

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[phone-call continues]

You: (you recognize his voice) JAEHYUN OMG
J: yeah it's me
You: Can I please speak with Johnny? He's with you right?
J: he's actually not here at the moment. I called you on my own
You: oh can I call him later?
J: he won't tell anyone what happened or why he's the way he is lately. I can't take it anymore I need answers. What happened between you two?

You proceed to tell him the entire story and add in how much you still loved him and tried to fix things in every way possible. Jaehyun sympathizes with you and agrees to set up a time for you to see Johnny again.

J: 10pm at the Astoria club next Saturday. I'll bring him there in the vip room and add you on the vip list. It's your last chance to fix things—
You cut him off
J: but if you fail I'll never let you see him again sorry

[phone call ends]

You're so worried. How much worse can your life get? Can things return to the way they once were? But your life has also changed a lot in those few weeks. Hyunbin has been coming over every day and spending time with you so you'd forget about Johnny. You're still unsure how to feel about him but one thing's for sure: you couldn't have survived the breakup without him. The number of times you cried in his arms and the way he cared for you when you didn't feel like living, he was there. You understand that Johnny hates this guy but you just couldn't push Hyunbin away ...
At this point you start to ask yourself if you should just give up on Johnny. Hiding your relationship was too hard, seeing him so little was too hard, always being alone and doing things alone was too hard. It's like dating a ghost BUT every little moment you had together made it worth everything. You're torn. What should you do?
Hyunbin gives you comfort, care, kindness and protection. Johnny gives you adventure, excitement, passion, and a love you crave.
Who will you choose?


The decision is yours in the next chapter.

𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘔𝘐𝘕𝘌 - 𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘑𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now