leave your lover

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"jennie, i love you." lisa closed her eyes and snuggled as close as she can to the brunette.

jennie held lisa's cheek and caressed it. "i love you too."

they both know it was wrong.

but who can blame them?

jennie is engaged to a man, yet here she is, in lisa's arms.

lisa felt heavy but jennie helped her carry it. adding more to it, jennie's wedding is happens tomorrow.

as silence filled them, lisa thought, can she and jennie be together after jennie's wedding?

obviously not.

with courage, "pack up, and leave everything." she said softly.

"what?" jennie asked, confused.

"i know you can see what i can bring." lisa smiled and held jennie's soft hand.

jennie sighed. "lisa, i cant."

lisa frowned. "dont you love me?"

"ofcourse i do." jennie hugged lisa.

lisa smiled and held jennie's face, kissing her on her lips. "set my midnight sorrows free," she looked into jennie's soul.

"leave your lover, leave him for me."

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