thank you

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lisa's pov.

i was stomping my feet to the beat of the music coming from my headphones, when i felt raindrops hit my skin.

"shit." i muttered and hurried as the rain gets harder in each step i take.

i ran towards the nearest shed on the street. it was night time and i was still a few blocks away from my apartment.

the shed was good enough for a couple of people but it has no light bulb or anything to illuminate the place.

i sighed and went to sit on a bench. i stopped the music that was playing and put my headphones back in my bag.

"this won't stop any sooner." i thought as i stared outside, seeing the rainfall.

i almost jumped out of fright when i heard some sobs, thinking it was a ghost and the darkness only addened.

i sensed some movements and sniffs. "h..hey? are alright?" i asked the person crying.

i was nervous as hell thingking this was a scary scenario i have watched in movies.

i stepped closer, sighing in relief as i saw it was a girl in blue shirt with slightly dishevelled hair because of crying.

i sat beside her, cautiously putting an arm on her shaking shoulders from too much crying.

"h..hey it's alright. im here for you." i said with a soft voice, doing my best to comfort the crying girl.

she finally looked up and i stopped myself from looking outside instead i held my gaze on her's.

shiny tears fell from her eyes, her eyes and lips swollen from all the crying. she have beautiful eyes, almost looking like a cat. she have smooth brown hair, thanks to the car that passed by, i saw her beautiful features.

i pulled out a light smile, "its alright miss, im here." i tapped her shoulder.

she sniffed again and retrieved her eyes from staring mine. "t..thank you." she said with a groggy voice which is a  result of her excessive crying. there are still brink of tears on the corner of her eyes and i reached my hand out to wipe her tears.

as i felt her soft skin within my palm, i felt bolts of electricity i haven't felt with anyone else. somehow, i liked the feeling.

"now, let's get you home. it was freezing outside so you can borrow this." i handed her a blue hoodie and that was the first time i catched a glimpse of her smile. it was precious, topping off gold.

"thank you again, i owe you." she said with a more stable voice, recovering from crying.

"im lisa, you are?..." i trailed off expecting her to tell me her name.

"jennie." she said.

her name matches her and it made me smile.

i stood up and grabbed her hand, "let's go before it starts raining again." i said and dragged her outside the shed, we both felt soft drizzles on our skin.

we walked down the street, hand in hand, under the drizzle. i looked back at her and saw her staring at our hands.

i smiled and put on a halt when we arrived infront of my apartment. "here's my place. let's get inside and i'll make us some hot chocolate." i smiled at jennie and held her hand, pulling her inside.

she smiled back at me and nodded. "alright."

i made her sit on my sofa for a while and went to the kitchen, preparing our drinks.

i grabbed the two mugs of freshly made hot chocolate and went back into the living room, seeing tears starting to form in jennie's eyes as she stared at something on her phone.

i placed the mugs on the coffee table and sat beside her, pulling her phone from her grasp and put it on the table. i looked at her phone and saw a picture of her with another girl, they were hugging each other and was obviously happy.

now i know the reason.

i switched my gaze to her and sighed. "jen, quit looking on the things that hurt you. just look at the things that helped you heal." i smiled and held her hand, placing sweet caresses.

she looked into my eyes with those brown orbs full of sadness and longing. whatever happened between the two of them, i wish i stopped the time and prevented that moment to happen.

she squeezed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. a hug that sent volts of electricity all throughout my whole being. a warm hug that gave me strength to help her mend her broken heart.


"see you again, jennie." i smiled at her as we walked side by side towards my apartment's door.

we spent hours with me comforting her and making her laugh with the best i can. i can tell that we became closer inbetween the hours that we met each other.

"may i borrow your phone, lis?" she asked me and i nodded, handing her my phone.

she already knew my password, yeah i know, amazing.

she handed my phone back and i saw her number already added in my contacts. 'jen'.

"i'll see you soon, lisa. i'm thankful i have met you in that state, i really didn't know what to do. but then you sat beside me and told me you're there for me. somehow, the pain faded away. thank you very much." she said and tears formed in her eyes again.

"no, jen. shh, don't cry. i am always here for you, whenever you feel like crying. i will never leave your side. even though i met you just three hours ago, i already am attached to you." i smiled at her softly while caressing her cheeks that are wet again as tears cascaded down her eyes, again.

whenever i see those salt water flow down her precious eyes, with every drop, it paints a crack on my heart and i dont like the feeling. i hate seeing her cry.

she hugged me again and walked down the streets since her apartment was just as the same street as mine. there was a big possibility that we could meet again and that made me happy.

now jisoo, whoever you are. thank you for hurting jennie because i met her. but fuck you to the bones because you made her cry.

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