grow old with you

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lisa kneeled infront jennie, and with trembling hands, she fished for the small box in her pocket.

she cleared her throat, looking into jennie's soul. "jennie kim, i have known you my whole life and you know me too. everything was miserable, but then you came crashing through and changed it. i love how you wake me up in the morning with your sweet goodmornings and kisses. i love how you caress my hair at night. i just love the way you love me and i never thinked twice to return it to you." lisa's words brought tears to jennie's eyes.

"i love you. let me grow old with you. will you marry me, my love?" lisa asked full of hope as she showed the precious diamond ring.

jennie leaned down and kissed lisa's lips, nodding. "i love you too, lisa. and i'll be yours 'til we turn into ashes."

"yes, i'd love to grow old with you."

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