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I woke up and my body was aching, I thought it was from what Niall and I did but then I realized I wasn’t in the hotel room anymore.  There was tape on my mouth so I couldn’t scream and my hands were tied together.

I started to thrash about and try my hardest to scream.  “Thought you would never see me again, didn’t you” I heard a voice call.

“mmnnnnnnmmm” I was trying so hard to be heard through the tape but it seemed like no use.  Just then I heard my phone start ringing in my pocket.  When I tried to pull it out I felt myself get shoved back against a wall. 

Jason now had my phone and answered it, putting it on speaker.

“Emma, where are you, are you okay?  Why did you run out last night?  I thought we both had fun” he sounded so hurt.

I could feel the hot stinging tears rolling down my cheeks.  “Emma can’t answer the phone right now, she’s a little...tied up” Jason laughed sinisterly.

He approached me and ripped the tape off my mouth, “NIALL” I was crying.

“Emma what’s going on” he asked now concerned.

Jason slammed me into the wall again, and I screamed in pain.  “Don’t touch her” Niall growled into the phone.

I had fallen to the floor and landed on my ankle really bad.  I couldn’t get up; it hurt so badly the pain was just unbearable.  “Good luck finding her” Jason said then hung up.

“Get up” he commanded me.

“I…I can’t” I whimpered, holding my ankle.

“Don’t make me get even more mad; now stand up” he yelled.

I tried to push up but my ankle couldn’t support me so I crumpled to the ground again.  “It hurts” I moaned.

“Well you are no fun, I guess I have to do this the hard way” he complained.

“Stay away from me” I screeched.

“Not a chance, you’re lucky your pop star boyfriend is so famous and you were all over the news so I could easily find you” he said.

“He isn’t my boyfriend, he is my fiancé” I growled.

“You can’t marry him, I won’t let you” he yelled.

“I dumped you and you don’t own me” I cried.

This made him mad, he started to come closer to me and I didn’t know what he was going to do.  I was genuinely scared and my ankle was getting worse.  I was getting really lightheaded from the pain but I tried to fight it off.  There’s no telling what could happen if I was unconscious with Jason near me.

“Please” I begged, “I need to go to the hospital” I was in hysterics.

He thought about it for a long minute; I thought he was going to say no but he surprised me, “Fine” he huffed.

Niall’s POV

I was running around and trying to figure out what to do, he had Emma and she was hurt I could tell.  “WAKE UP” I screamed extremely loud, the entire hotel could probably hear me.

Liam burst through the door of my room, “What was that for’ he asked looking a little cared.

“He…he…has Emma” I started trembling.

“Let’s go” was all he said and I followed him.

We left the other boys to sleep, they would call eventually.  We were driving around looking for who knows what.  I didn’t know how we could possibly find her but I wasn’t giving up.  We had been driving for a half hour when my phone rang; I thought it was just one of the boys “What” I huffed.

“Hello, this is the hospital.  Your presence is being requested immediately” the woman spoke. 

“I will be right there” I gulped.

“Where will you be” Liam asked.

My face was pale, “it was the hospital and they said my presence was being requested immediately” I explained.

Luckily we were pretty close to the hospital; I didn’t even wait for the car to stop before flinging my door open and running in there.

It was 1pm and we had to be at rehearsals really soon for the show tonight.  “Liam call and say we will be late” I instructed.

I ran up to the counter, “I just got a call, I think my fiancé is here” I said quickly.

“Niall Horan?” the lady asked with a serous face.

I nodded, “is she okay?  Please tell me she is okay” I begged.

“Follow me” was all she said as she led me back to Emma’s room.

Emma was lying back in bed, she looked beat up really bad.  “How did she get here” I asked the nurse.

“Some man… Jason I think dropped her off and said he found her like this” the nurse explained.

“No” I shouted, “he did this to her, he abuses her.  She moved to America in hopes she could get a new start but he found her and kidnapped her from our hotel.  He isn’t a good guy he is a lying piece of scum” I muttered.

“Oh dear” the nurse looked horrified.

“We could tell she had been abused because of all the bruises and scars all over her body, but we had no idea it was so bad” she said.

“That’s not even the worst part, he should be locked away for what he did to her” I felt like I wanted to hit something so bad but I had to keep control.

“What else did he do” the nurse asked frightened.

“He took advantage of her,” I replied; not wanting to even say it.  Just thinking about it made me sick.

“I am calling the cops” she said as he hurried out of the room.

I sat down next to Emma’s hospital bed, “Emma, please wake up” I cried holding her hand.  “Please be okay” I whispered.

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