Hate and Decisions

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So don't kill me for the cliff hanger but I hope you allenjoy this chapter!! :) Like I said drama is coming...

The morning went by pretty slowly and I tried to act normal around Niall but it was hard, I couldn’t believe he tried to keep it from me.  I understand he tried to protect me but I don’t like how the idea of us not telling each other things.  Finally it was time to leave so I told him I was having lunch with the girls and he told me he would see me later.

I hopped in my car and drove to our little hang out place; it was reserved for famous people, a little place to hang out without having too much attention drawn to them.

I walked in to the club like atmosphere and instantly saw Danielle and Eleanor already there in a booth.  “Hey girls” I said smiling, as I slid in the booth.

“Kyleigh and Perrie should be here any minute they went shopping this morning” I informed them.

As we waited for them we all had small talk and got caught up a bit.  They asked how the pregnancy was going and as of right now it was going pretty good; I was about a month now so nothing really major has happened.

Soon enough the door opened and the two girls walked in and joined us.  “Hey, it’s so nice to see you both” I gushed.

We ordered our food and as we waited on it to arrive that’s when we got into a deeper conversation.  “So I guess I just thought we needed to meet up because, well being the girlfriends and wife of One Direction isn’t easy.  Right when I thought everything was going perfectly well something starts up again.  I went on twitter this morning and I just felt like crying because of all the things people were saying.  I guess my point is, we need to stick together no matter what because people are trying to bring us down.” I finished taking a breath.

“Oh honey, it’s okay.  We have all been there and it’s not fun.  We will always have each other’s backs” Kyleigh assured me.

“Thanks, I guess the worst part is that Niall didn’t even tell me it was going on.  Instead he used it as an excuse to fool around last night just to keep me off the internet” I sighed.

“That’s terrible, did you confront him” Perrie asked.

“No I needed your opinions on it.  I wasn’t sure if I should be mad or just thankful he tried to protect me” I admitted.

“Well, I think you need to talk to him because it was sweet he stood up for you and all but he should have still told you” Danielle pointed out.

“Dani is right, talk to Niall” Eleanor encouraged.

With that said our food arrived and it smelled delicious.  It was a huge portion but I ate every last bit of it.

“So how are you and Zayn?” I asked Perrie.

She smiled at me, “Emma, thank you so much for hooking us up.  We are great; Zayn is such a sweet guy.  Even though he has this “bad boy” image he is very caring” she gushed with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

“Aww, that great” I replied.

“How about you and Harry” I turned to Kyleigh.

She told me how amazing her and Harry were doing and we all enjoyed the rest of our lunch talking about our relationships and girl stuff.

Niall’s POV

There were frantic knocks coming from my door so I got up to see what was going on.  The rest of the boys come barging into my flat the second I open the door with worried expressions on their faces.

“What’s wrong lads?” I ask.

“Niall, Paul and Simon are on their way over right now and they didn’t sound too happy” Liam explains.

Before anyone else could say another word Paul and Simon come barging through the door and they don’t look too happy.

“Boy’s we understand you are all dating someone currently” Simon starts.

“Well I am married, not just dating” I point out.

“Right, well that’s the problem” Paul explains.

“You see people will become less interested in you all because you are all taken, the girls have gone mad and they are especially unhappy about the baby situation” Simon says as he and Paul give me a stern look.

“What do you want me to do about it, we are happily married we can do as we please” I retorted feeling upset at the situation.

“You can’t seriously have a baby Niall you are just 19 now and it is not good publicity” Paul explains.

“Plus we need more girls to like you right now and that isn’t possible now that you have a wife and this… baby” Simon sounds disgusted.

“But that isn’t fair, why just me the other lads all have girlfriends” I say no offense to anyone but I wasn’t getting what they wanted me to do.

“Niall one of you boys has to slow it down with the girl and well that’s best if that someone is you” Simon replies.

“No” I shout angrily.

“Come on, you can’t do this to him” Harry sticks up for me.

“Look we are not saying to stop seeing her because well you two are married, but have some space for a while at least until we can finish working on the second album and the tours pick up again” Paul says.

The boys all look at me nervously; I understand this is a big decision.  It’s pretty much between my wife and the band except I really didn’t have any choice here.

“What about the baby” I ask nervously.

“I guess she can keep it but you have to promise to have no contact with her until we say so.  Is that clear?” Simon asked.

Later on I was sitting in my flat with the rest of the boys, “I can’t do this lads” I said.

“Niall, this sucks, but think of the band” Zayn pointed out.

The door handle started to turn and I felt like I was about to be sick.  I sat down and buried my head in my hands, I couldn’t believe what I was about to do.

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