Niall's Party

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I woke up to Niall gently shaking me, “we are landing” he said softly.

I slowly sat up, I can’t believe I slept most of the way here.  I looked out my window and saw the beautiful island coming closer into view; we were going to Oahu, Honolulu.

 “It’s so beautiful” I gasped.

I heard the other girls say similar comments and soon we were on the ground and exiting off the plane.  It was already 7pm so we decided to drop our bags at the hotel and all the boys would go have a bachelor party while we girls had a bachelorette.  Everyone families were already here and I couldn’t wait to go meet them.  All the boys’ parents and sibling were here and we would meet up before splitting up.

We were all staying at the same hotel so we would meet up there.  I was a little nervous to meet everyone but Niall and the boys assured me everything would be fine. 

We pulled up to the hotel and there were a few fans there, the boys stopped for a couple pictures and autographs and then we went inside.

“Hello mum” Niall said as we entered the lobby, his mum gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. 

“I missed you so much” she said hugging him tight.  “This lovely lady must be the wonderful Emma” she said making me blush.

“Hi, Mrs. Horan” I said shyly.

“Oh honey, call me mum” she insisted hugging me.  It was only a tiny bit awkward since my parent never really cared much for me, having this feeling was new for me.

Niall’s big brother was there as well “I missed you bro” he said.

“You too” Niall said giving his brother a hug.

“This is my fiancée, Emma” he said introducing us.

“Hello love” he said.

“Hi” I said.

Next it was Louis’ turn to introduce me to his family, his sisters were there and his mum as well.  All the boys’ families had made it so I was introduced to everyone and then Harry introduced his family to Kyleigh. 

“This is my girlfriend Kyleigh” he told his mum, dad, and sister.  “Wow Harry is dating someone his own age finally” his sister joked.

“Yeah, I am done with older women, I truly love Kyleigh” he said giving her hand a squeeze, causing her to blush.

After introductions we went to put our luggage away we got two large suites with multiple rooms so all the guys could stay in one and all of the girls could stay in another.  As for the families they got their own rooms.  Niall’s mum helped with the luggage and then she followed us into the girl’s room.  “Would you like to see the dress” I asked.

“Oh yes” she squealed.

We hung it up and unzipped the bag it was in.  “Oh it’s gorgeous!” she cried.“Niall will be speechless tomorrow” she said.

“I just hope they don’t go overboard tonight” I said.

I knew Niall loved his beer, and even though he wasn’t of age in the states, he was a celebrity so he could get away with it if he wanted to.  I knew he could handle is alcohol but still I was a tiny bit worried.  I knew the other girls had the same worries for their boyfriends as well.  All the boys loved to drink… a lot!

Niall’s mum sad she would make sure to give them a talk about it and would make sure the male adults would keep an eye on them.

We all got changed into some party clothes and met back up with everyone in the lobby.  “Hey Emma look who showed up” Niall said to me.

“Who?” I asked looking around our big group trying to find the new face; “Josh!” Niall exclaimed.

Josh was the drummer for the band and close friends with the boys, he was a really cool guy and funny as well.

“Oh, it so nice that you could make it” I said hugging him.

“Some more boys are meeting us at the club in a bit, Andy is here as well as Sean and Mazzi Maz” he said smiling at me.

“That is wonderful” I exclaimed.

The boys were ready to get going and start partying so we said our goodbyes and said we would see them tomorrow.  We waiting for a few minutes before leaving the hotel, it was Danielle, Eleanor, Kyleigh, Lottie, Gemma, and the mums.  Louis other sisters were too young to come out so they stayed home with their father.

“Let’s go party” I said happily.

Niall’s POV

We pulled up to a club and we all piled out of the limo and everyone ran in.  This was going to be some night, I could already tell.

“Now boys, you can’t get even a tiny bit drunk tonight.  We want you all sober for tomorrow, especially you son” my dad lectured us.

“That’s right, plus the press will try to start a lot of rumors so try to maintain a good image” Paul added.

“Paul, can’t we give it a rest for one night” Louis complained.

He thought about it for a minute, “Just don’t get drunk or be seen with any girls, well at least for the guys who have girlfriends” Paul decided.

“Yay, now let’s go party!” Harry cheered and we all cheered back in response.

We all did have a few beers but we didn’t even get tipsy, we danced to the club music and jumped around going wild.  “Here’s to my last night of freedom” I said as we danced the night away.

I didn't want to make it bad or anything so sorry if it's not as good as you thought.

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