Please Don't Le Me Go

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As soon as my phone stopped ringing from one call another one came in, I looked at the caller id and it was one of the boys.  I rolled my eyes and reluctantly picked it up.  

“Liam, this isn’t a good time right now” I said holding back the tears, I didn’t want him to know I was about to cry but my cover was blown because my voice was shaky.

“Emma, just come over and we will explain everything” Liam said calmly.

“Liam, I already know he doesn’t want me anymore.  I get it…well I don’t but it doesn’t matter the point is he said we can’t be together anymore” I whimpered.  The first tear escaped and I knew I wasn’t going to hold up much longer.

“Fine, Niall won’t be here, but you can trust me. Please just come over to my flat and I can explain everything.

I didn’t say anything I just hung up and sighed.  I knew I should go over there, Liam wouldn’t lie to me and he was right I did trust him.

I looked like a complete mess when I arrived, I knocked on his door and it was a matter of seconds before he opened it and flashed me his brilliant smile.  He noticed I had been crying and wrapped me into a hug; this only made me cry harder though because I thought about how much I wanted Niall to comfort me, the only problem being he didn’t want me anymore.

“Emma look, Niall didn’t mean anything he said to you” Liam said walking me over to his couch.

“I don’t understand” I replied weakly.

“It has nothing to do with wanting to be with you, Niall is crazy about you” Liam assured me.

“Then why would he say that” I questioned.

Liam sighed, “Paul and Simon came over today, they had a long talk with us and decided it wasn’t good for our image if everyone in the band was taken.  They thought you both moved too fast and said to slow it down.  Emma, Niall stood up for you and got upset over it but pretty much we were told what to do and he had no choice” Liam explained everything.

“What am I supposed to do” I asked.  “I have no place to go or anything” I felt a little better but not by much, I was still alone.

“Well, I was thinking about this really hard.  You know I hate to break the rules and lie but this is serious and I think it needs to be done.  You need to stay with Niall but you both need to lay low.  Stay out of the press, do you understand” he asked kindly.

I didn’t respond at first because this was going to be a huge, “I don’t think I can do that” I said surprising myself.

“What do you mean” Liam asked just as shocked.

“Liam, I haven’t had the best life you know that and well it just started getting better, I can’t just put my life on hold because Niall can’t stand up for what he believes in.  Or at least I thought he believed in; it’s like a slap in my face that we would have to be all secretive because he can’t be seen with me” I explained.  “Sorry, but he is just using this as an excuse to get out of the relationship I feel and I can’t deal with it” I added.

“I guess I understand” he sighed, “but please don’t just disappear, keep in touch” Liam said hugging me tightly.

I didn’t reply, I couldn’t make that promise because to be honest I didn’t want anything to do with any on the boys right now.  I then left and got back in my car and just started to drive, I didn’t know where I was going but I just kept driving.

Niall’s POV

“How could I be so stupid” I yelled at myself. All the boys and their girlfriends had come over and they were all really upset that I let Emma get away.

“Niall, you have to talk to her.  Stick up for her because she thinks that you don’t care” Kyleigh spoke up.

“I know she does and I feel gutted about it because I love her so much.  I have to fix this, I can’t lose her again” I said.

“Call her” Harry suggested.

I shook my head, “I tried that already and she doesn’t pickup” I replied.

“Let me try” Eleanor said punching the numbers into her phone.

“It’s ringing” she announced and then proceeded to put her phone on loudspeaker so we all could hear.

“Hello” I heard a small voice answer in the phone. I could tell she had been crying and she was torn up about all this.  It was my entire fault and I just hated myself for hurting her.

“Hey babe, we really miss you!  Please tell me you are safe” Eleanor spoke into the phone.

I heard Emma sniffle, “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t stay somewhere I was not wanted.  I’m okay I guess, I mean not emotionally but physically” she replied vaguely.

“You are always wanted here” Eleanor insisted.

“I don’t think so, I have to go now” she said suddenly.

“Make sure you keep in touch please, let us know if you need anything at all” Eleanor said before the phone went dead.

“Do you think she will keep in touch” I asked nervously, already knowing the answer.

No one replied but they all gave me a sympathetic look, “We’ll see, you can only hope for the best” Kyleigh said trying to lighten the mood.

We decided to hang out the rest of the night because I really didn’t want to be alone right now, call me crazy or whatever but I thought I might feel too lonely not having Emma with me.

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