Remembering You

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Emma’s POV

The boys had been gone for a few months now and I was living at their hotel.  They told me to stay as long as I liked and since I had nowhere else to go I took them up on their offer.

I was lying in the bed Niall and I had shared and thinking about how much I missed the boys,  I thought back to the first day Niall and I met and how nice and kind he was when he saved me.  Thinking about it brought the butterflies back to my stomach like I was reliving it all.  He saved me from Jason who did terrible things to me and I thought about how grateful I am for that.

Then it hit me!  I remember it, I remember everything. I had slowly started remembering things for a while but it was just now that I noticed I remembered everything.  I did have feelings for Niall, not Harry.  Harry was nice and sweet and flirty but he wasn’t Niall.  I was so happy about this until I realized I had no way to contact them.

It brought a lot of sadness to me and I finally came to the conclusion that there were too many bad memories in London.  I was going to move and I was moving to America, I could get away from Jason for good and who knows maybe I would run into One Direction there while they were still on tour.

I immediately packed the little clothes that I had and took out the credit card the boys gave me to be able to buy things when they were gone.  I picked up my bags and went down to the lobby to check out, and then I called a taxi and was on my way to the airport. 

Luckily there was a flight with some open spots still available heading to LA California.  I took it and went to go wait for the plane.

Niall’s POV

We had just finished our last show in France and tomorrow we would be leaving to start our North American tour.  I decided to call the hotel Emma was staying at to check up on her. When I asked at the front desk to be transferred to her room the guy told me she had moved out today.

“Liam, Emma moved out” I said after hanging up the phone.

“She did what” he asked just as shocked.

“I just called the hotel and the guy said she moved out today” I explained.  “Now I will never have a chance of seeing her again” I mopped around.

“Don’t say that, maybe she just switched rooms or something” Liam said trying to come up with a solution but we both knew they weren’t true.

Emma’s POV

I was now on the plane and I couldn’t stop smiling, I knew this was the right thing to do.  The plane ride was nine hours but I wasn’t even tired I stayed awake the entire time watching movies.  This is the start to my new life and I couldn’t wait.  As soon as the plane touched the ground I silently cheered to myself.  I know I probably looked weird but it was the first time I truly smiled in a very long time. 

“Welcome to LA we hope you enjoy your visit” the captain announced when we pulled up to the terminal.

I practically skipped off the plane I was so happy, then once I got through customs and I picked up my luggage I stepped outside into the nice warm air of California. It was so different the London weather the sunshine was so refreshing.

I didn’t know exactly what to do or where to go now so I just walked around and enjoyed the fresh air.  I walked a few blocks and decided I should go try to find a hotel now because the sun was setting.

I ended up at a hotel right on the beach and had a nice quite dinner at a small restaurant that sat right on the water.

Niall’s POV

We were getting on the airplane and I couldn’t even be happy about the tour because I couldn’t stop thinking of Emma.  Horrible thought consumed my mind; what if Jason found her and she was in danger?  I wouldn’t be able to do anything because I was in America; I wish I would have gotten her number so I could have checked on her.

It was a ten hour plane ride and I knew I was going to hate every minute of it.  I was sitting next to Liam and I had the window seat, Zayn was next to Liam.  In front of us were Harry and Louis who were acting all goofy and messing around.

Liam gave me a sympathetic look and I looked away and leaned my head on the window as we pulled away from the airport. 

“Niall you have to eat something” Liam suggested.

I pretended like I was sleeping so I didn’t have to answer him but he knew I was faking. 

“Come on Nialler stop worrying I am sure everything will be perfectly fine” he told me softly.

“You don’t know that Liam, what if it’s Jason” I said quietly.  Harry turned around in his seat at my statement.

“What do you mean” he asked.  I had been avoiding him for a long time, sure on stage and around fans we had to act like everything was fine but in reality I didn’t tell him anything anymore.

“Emma moved out of the hotel yesterday and we don’t know where she could have gone” Liam piped up.

“What!?” Harry exclaimed.

“You shouldn’t care you have plenty of other girls that you can go do whatever you please with.” I replied harshly.

Harry was taken aback and didn’t know how to respond to that so he just sat there looking like an idiot.  I leaned back in my seat and went back to looking out the window.  Soon I drifted off into sleep.

“WAKE UP” Lou screeched.

“Shut up and let me sleep” I said angrily.

“Fine get left on the plane bye” Louis said.

That made me sit up; had we already landed?  That meant I slept the whole flight, I looked around and sure enough we had landed and people were starting to exit off the plane.

I rolled my eyes but got up, “our first show is in three days so what do you boys want to do” Liam asked after we gathered out luggage and we exiting the airport.  Hundreds of fans were waiting outside for us and even though I loved my fans a bunch I just wasn’t in the mood.  I hugged a few and signed autographs but I never cracked a smile.

“Niall what’s wrong” a couple fans asked when we were done signing stuff and taking pictures.  We had started walking away from the airport but some fans were following us.

I just kept on walking; I just wanted to continue walking and never stop.  She can’t just be gone, that’s not fair.

“Aww Nialler, come back” the girls were saying trying to be all over me. 

Liam finally stepped in and helped, “Right well the boys and I have to be going now” he said as we started to rush off.

“You could at least be nice to the fans” Harry snapped.

I stopped in my place and turned to face him, “Never tell me I am not nice to fans, and maybe you are a little too nice.  Just shut up curly and leave me and Emma alone” I screamed.

I never yell at anyone but I just lost it, he makes me so mad sometimes and I just couldn’t help it.  “Look I am sure she is fine but Niall we have to at least act like we are not falling apart here” Harry pointed out.

He was right and I knew it, and to be completely honest I hated being mad at him.  We never fought any of us boys and it was getting bad between us.

“You’re right” I sighed giving up.

“Look I am sorry about Emma really I am, she meant something to all of us.  I shouldn’t have gone after her but I couldn’t help it.  She was different, she liked us for us not because we were famous and that doesn’t happen often.” Harry pleaded me to understand and forgive him.

“Harry, I am done being mad at you, but it still hurts.  You knew I liked her, but I didn’t just go after her because she said she wasn’t ready and I respected that” I explained.

“I know, I know.  Niall I really am sorry!  I wish we had her number so I could call her and get the two of you together” he was pleading.

“Let’s just go find the hotel now” Liam suggested.

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