Perfect Two

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I put a link to the song Perfect Two because I feel like Emma and Niall are realizing they are so prefect for eachother... You will see what I mean when you read this chapter :)

I instantly fell in love with a dress that hugged my small figure but then flowed out under the hips.  It had silver off the shoulder beaded straps and I felt like a true princess.  I had happy tears rolling down my face, “This is the one” I said through the happy tears.

“You look stunning, Niall will be speechless” Eleanor promised.

I had the perfect dress, the perfect friends, and most of all, my perfect husband.  I was so ready for this wedding.

We headed back to the hotel with the dress, I was lucky to find a perfect fit and no alterations needed to be done to it.  “Can one of you keep this in your room, I don’t want Niall to see it” I asked.

“Sure love, I will take it” Eleanor said.

“Thanks El” I smiled.

“No problem, now I am going to find Louis” she said happily after putting the dress in her and Louis’s room.

“I am going to find Liam” Danielle added.

“Well I am going to go find Niall, you should probably meet up with Harry” I suggested to Kyleigh.

“Sure, see you later” she said.

I hurried down the hallway on my crutches, and opened the door to the hotel room, Niall was standing in the kitchen looking for food and I threw my crutches down and literally ran to him.

“Woah, take it easy.  Doesn’t it hurt?” he asked looking extremely concerned.

“Not one bit” I replied and kissed him.

I pulled him really close so there was no space between us, “Why do you do this to me” he pretended to complain.

“Oh Niall it’s only a week, you can wait one more week” I said teasing him.

“Emma I don’t think you understand how much I want you right now” he said pulling my lips back to his.

“Niall, I don’t think you understand that I want you just as bad.  We can’t though, it’s only another week, 4 days to be exact” I said pulling away.

“Fine” he pouted.

“Oh I called my family and the boy’s families and bought the airfare, it’s all set” he beamed at me.

“That’s wonderful, Niall” I exclaimed.

“So what was the big surprise that Harry is doing” I asked curiously.

“You will just have to wait and see” he told me smiling.

“You know what” I asked Niall later that day.

“What love” he asked, we were cuddling on the couch watching Niall’s favorite scary movie Prom Night.  I didn’t really like scary movies so we were cuddled up and he was holding me close to him.

“I think we need to set Zayn up with someone.  I feel kind of bad because it has kind of been a couple’s day for everyone except him” I said frowning.

“That’s a great idea, have anyone in mind” he asked.

“Not yet, but I think I should help set him up” I said starting to think about what Zayn’s perfect girl would be.

Niall went back to watching the movie as I was in deep thought, it was already getting late.  We hadn’t met up with everyone for dinner; we just stayed in and ate.

I was getting tired and I must have fallen asleep on the couch with Niall because if felt like the next thing I knew I was waking up to morning and Niall had made breakfast for us.

“Good morning beautiful” he said still in his sexy morning voice.

“Aww Ni, you made us breakfast” I got off the couch and came up behind him wrapping my arms around him.

“It was nothing, really.  I was just hungry and it was an excuse to cook” he said smirking at me.

“You are always hungry” I said laughing, “But its okay I like to eat too” I said.

“Well duh, I wouldn’t date a girl that didn’t like to eat as much as me, let alone want to marry someone like that” he said half-jokingly.

“What are you making” I asked peering over his shoulder.

“Eggs and pancakes” he said proudly.

“That sounds really good” I told him kissing his cheek.

“I knew you would like it” he replied cheekily.

We ended up having a really nice morning together and Niall even had to make more food because we were both so hungry.  We truly were the perfect couple!

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