First Date

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  • Dedicated to Kyleigh Kuster

Harry’s POV

Today was the day; I was finally going to explain everything to Kyleigh.  I didn’t want her to think I was just some big jerk or anything so I was going to have to just tell her my feelings.

“Hey Kyleigh, are you ready” I asked waiting.  I had packed everything in the car and she had no idea where we were going.

“Yeah, I am ready” she smiled at me.

I took her and in mine and intertwined our fingers as we left the hotel. 

We got in the car and I drove off towards a really romantic park, it was right by a small lake that we could take a paddle boat on for our picnic.  The only thing was we had to drive to a secluded area that didn’t look too well, it was overgrown trees and bushes; it would all be worth it though when we got down to the lake.

We were almost there, “Um Harry, are you sure you know where we are going” she asked eyeing me nervously.

I patted her knee, “yes love, I am sure.  We are almost there” I let her know.

Soon I parked and got out of the car and ran around to the Kyleigh’s side to open her door for her.  Then I went to the trunk and got out the picnic basket.  I saw her eyes light up when she saw the basket.

“Oh Harry, how did you know I love picnics” she asked.

“I just thought it would be fun” I answered truthfully.

“Well I love it!  Thank you” she said looking up at me smiling with her beautiful smile.

“You haven’t even seen the surprise yet” I laughed.

“You mean there’s more” she asked shocked.

“Of course there is” I replied.

We walked past the overgrown landscape and finally the pond was in view with the paddle boat.  “This is the surprise” I announced as I set the basket in the boat, and then held her hand to help her get in.

“Awweeee Harry I love it” she beamed which made me smile even more.

Once we were out in the middle of the lake we stopped the boat and just sat there.  I looked nervously over at her as she was admiring our surroundings.  Gosh she was just so amazing, everything about her made me attracted to her.  I didn’t just like her for her looks, I loved how she liked me for me, not because I was famous or rich, just for me.

“Uh, Kyleigh” I started.

“Yes Haz” she looked over at me.

“I really like you” I blurted.  Why do I act like such an idiot around her, she makes me nervous and happy all at the same time.

She giggled, “I really like you to Harry” she said sweetly.

“No Kyleigh, I mean I really really like you.  I think I am in love with you” I announced.  I could instantly feel my face getting red.

She looked seriously at me, “You, love me?” she asked.  Oh great she didn’t feel the same way.

“Look, I am sorry I didn’t m-”

“Harry I love you too” she cut me off.

I smiled at her and started to lean in for a kiss, she started to lean in as well and soon the distance between us was inexistent.  Our lips were touching and sparks flew, it was the best kiss I have even experienced.  It was soft, sweet, and really gentle.  It was sweet perfection and I couldn’t ask for anything better.

Eventually we pulled away because the kiss left us breathless, “I love you Kyleigh” I breathed.

I put my arm around her shoulder and she rested her head on mine, “I love you too Harry” she breathed as well.

We had a perfect day, eating our lunch I packed and just enjoying our time alone together.  The sun was setting before we knew it and so we paddled back to the park and drove back to the hotel.

“I had a lot of fun today” she chimed as we were standing in front of her hotel room door.

“I had a lot of fun too, we should do it again sometime” I said cheekily.

“Definitely” she replied with a wink.

I leaned in for a quick kiss and then we said our good nights.

Since we had a late lunch we weren’t hungry for dinner and just decided to go to sleep early, I got to my room and quickly changed out of my clothes and just left some boxers on.  I usually only sleep with them anyway, I got into bed and heard it was storming really bad outside.  It was really loud thunder and I could see the lightening outside my window.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door, I got up to answer it and found Kyleigh was standing there.  “Oh sorry, I this is how I sleep” I stuttered as I saw the look of confusion on her face as to why I am half naked.

“Oh” was all she said.  I could tell something was wrong though by the look on her face.

“What’s the matter love” I asked.

“I couldn’t sleep because of the storm” she admitted quietly.

“It’s okay, I will protect you” I said opening the door for her to come in.

“Thanks Haz” she looked up at me.

“No problem” I said as I started to get back into bed.  I pulled the covers back for her to join me and slowly she did.

“Come here” I said pulling her close to me and wrapping my arms protectively around her.  “Is that better” I asked kissing the top of her head.

“Mmhm” she replied already starting to drift off into sleep.

“Good night beautiful” I whispered turning the lights off.

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