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Emma’s POV

I vaguely remember being brought back to the room; I was only half awake when it happened anyway.  I fell back asleep after I heard the sweet voice of Niall right by my side.

I was waking up for real this time and everything felt heavy especially in my ankle.  I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings.  I noticed there was a pink cast on my leg that went all the way up to my knee.  All of the boys were still there in the room, they had all fallen asleep.  Niall was still right by my side but he had fallen asleep as well.

“Niall” I whispered shaking his arm.

“Wha… Emma, you are awake” he said waking the other boys up in the process.

“Shut up Niall… oh Emma’s up” Louis said.

“What time is it, can you still make your show” I asked Niall nervously.

He and the rest of the boys gave me huge grins, “Actually, you are coming with us” Niall said cheekily.

“What do you mean” I was still a little foggy so I didn’t understand.

“The doctor said you were free to go once you woke up, but you have to use the crutches for six weeks.  You could make it worse if you don’t.  Anyway you are coming to the show tonight, and chilling backstage so we can make sure you are safe” Niall explained.

I nodded and had to admit I was happy I would be there mostly because they didn’t have to miss the concert because of me.

“Are you ready to go right now” he asked taking my hand in his to help me sit up.

“Yes, please get me out of here.  I hate hospitals” I said quietly.

Liam went to grab the crutches as Niall helped me to stand up.  “Here you go babe” Niall handed me the crutches.

He watched me carefully to make sure I was steady and he stayed right next to me.  “There are probably a ton of fans outside so stay close together” Zayn pointed out.

He was right as soon as we exited the building fans tried to mob us.  Niall put a protective arm around me.  “It will be okay” he said pulling me closer to him.

“Back up please, we love you all but we don’t want to be late for our show” Liam announced.

The fans seemed to go even wilder when he said this, “Aww he’s so sweet DADDY DIRECTION” some were yelling.

We were at a standstill and Niall took my hand in his and was rubbing circles on the back of it, “Paul should be here any minute” he let me know.

“OMG is that an engagement ring” one girl screamed.

“Oops” I whispered.

“No, this is good I was going to announce it tonight anyway” he said smiling at me.

“Okay everyone back up and give them some space” I heard a loud booming voice.

“Paul!” I cheered.

“Hello, are you okay” he asked looking me over a little concern showing on his face.

“I think I will be, I just need to sit down” I admitted. 

“Sure thing” he made sure everyone gave us enough room to get into the van and I got in first while the boys said goodbye to fans.

“Okay hurry up we are late” Paul warned.  They all jumped into the van and we sped off to the show. 

“We are here” Paul called from the driver’s seat.  Niall helped me out of the van and we all walked into the arena.

“Just sit here baby, we have to go get changed” Niall leaned down to kiss me before he ran off to the dressing rooms.  I stretched out on the extremely comfy couch and started to doze off. 

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