Part 2

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After I got into my dad's car we took a long drive to his house in the Beverly Hills area, I live in the West Hollywood area and it always feels forever to get to my dads house.

After a while we finally pulled up to the house. I literally went straight to my room which is the spare room and threw my suitcase on the floor. I didn't bother unpacking because I knew I would be out of here anytime soon. I needed to find my own house out of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. I grabbed my dad's laptop and walked down stairs to the living room and flopped on the couch next to him.

"Y/N I need to tell you something." I hummed.

"One second dad I need to find somewhere to live one second... maybe Miami would be nice... ooh New York, maybe even LA." He shut the lid down on the laptop and I frowned my eyebrows.

"Sweetie, London asked me if I would move to Malibu with her." I looked at him in a strange way.

"So are you going?" He slowly nodded. "That's okay, will I still get to see Ariana and Casey?" He nodded immediately and smiled.

"Of course, I wouldn't stop you from seeing your sister and brother and neither would London she just wants them to have a fresh start." I nodded.

"So what are you doing with this house then. I mean it's huge and you're just giving it up and shipping yourself off to Malibu to probably buy an even bigger house." He shook his head.

"Well we was thinking that you could have this house that's if you don't move somewhere else." I smiled slightly.

"I mean I could move here but I did want a house in LA." He raised his eyebrows.

"London!" He shouted her and she eventually came down the stairs into the living room and gave me a hug.

"Babe I was thinking if we are moving to Malibu and Y/N wants to move to LA let's give her your apartment. You don't go there unless if it's for business and you haven't been called to LA for 10 months now." She nodded.

"Sure you can have that apartment but I kind of need you to have this place to. Don't worry i will pay for the rent each month for both places to help you out a bit." I smiled.

"Thank you." They smile at me. I get the laptop and go back upstairs for a while.

I've been sat on my bed staring at the phone number that girl gave me. Should I text her? Should I call her? Should I at least tell her that I'm okay? Oh she probably doesn't care anyways.

It's been 45 minutes that I've been staring at this phone number now and I don't know what to do. Oh let's just do it, it can't hurt anyone.

'Hey, it's that girl from the Cafe.' I was waiting and waiting for a response but nothing came through.

Still waiting... waiting... waiting. See she doesn't really care. My phone got a notification and it was from her. 'Sorry cookie. I was spending time with my sister before I have to go back to LA. How are you?' I smiled to myself.

'I'm okay to be honest. What about you?'

'I'm good. So where are you from?' I raise my eyebrows.

'I can't tell you that. What if you are a kidnapper and when I tell you, you come to my dads house and take me away forever?'

'I wouldn't mind taking you away forever😉.' That comment made me blush a tiny bit.

'Well I am from West Hollywood, but I broke up with my fiancé so now I am between Beverly Hills and LA from next week.'

'Oh same. Maybe you should take a road trip with me to LA next week.' I shake my head and put my head in my hands.

'I don't even know your name and you don't know mine.'

'I'm Demi, what about you?' I was wondering whether I should tell her my name, I might as well now because we are already talking.


'Okay, y/n. How about 1:35pm tomorrow we can meet and hang out.' I shook my head.


'Because you seem nice and I wanna hang out with you before we take a drive to LA.' 

'I'm not coming with you to LA Demi. I don't know you.'

'Exactly, get to know me by hanging out with me.' Should I? Why not she can't be that bad.

'Fine. Be at Lauren's Cafe for 1:35pm.'

'Can't wait. See you tomorrow.' I didn't reply I just put my phone on my bedside cabinet and laid my head on my pillow and suddenly drifted off to sleep.

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