Part 14

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Your POV:
Demi's first tour date and I'm so excited to be on it. I know I'm not performing or anything but at least I get to be in the crowd, watching.

Me and China got out the car and headed to the front of the gates. There was at least 1000 to 1250 people lined up outside even though it's just a pop up concert.

We walked up to the guard and it wasn't Tori for a change. "Names." Okay, her voice is really deep, she scares me already.

"China Edwards, photographer." The guard nodded and China started to walk through but when I started to walk she stopped me with her strong muscled arm. That hurt.


"Y/N Y/L/N." She looked through all the three sheets for my name until she finally shook her head.

"Your name is not on any of these list miss. I'm afraid you're gonna have to join the back of the que." I shook my head immediately.

"I know Demi personally, she should have put my name on the list. So could you please let me in..." I got closer to her name tag on her uniform. "Jamie." She shook her head.

"Don't make me put you at the back, Go there on your own or I will have to kick you off the premises." I rolled my eyes, scoffed and walked away from her. I took my phone and texted China.

'Go in, I'll find a way in. Don't worry.'

She replied with a smiley face and I saw her enter the building. I decided to call Demi and she replied straight away.


'Where the fuck are you Y/N! They are going to let my fans in any time now, you don't even have a ticket.'

'Well you smarty pants didn't put my as a guest so I can't get in.' She scoffed down the phone.

'I'm coming out. Sorry.'

'It's alright.' I put the phone down and waited there with my arms folded.

All of a sudden I see Demi come out and all her fans start to scream which now to think about it I'm probably partially deaf.

I see her talking to the guard and she nods and I can see that she said sorry.

"Come on!" I nod and walk fast towards Demi and I smirk at Jamie.

"I really don't like her you know. Also, she hurt me with her arm." Demi laughed and we went back stage.

I sat down on her couch in her dressing room. "Is there anything different about me Demi?" She stared at me then shook her head. "What so there is nothing you can't sense?"

She nodded her head and oh'd. "You've gotten more prettier." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You bought a new highlighter?"

"N- I mean yeah I did but that's not the point." She tilted her head looking confused. "Right! I cut my hair." Her eyebrows raised.

"Ohhh yeah. It suits you, but I can't believe you cut all your damn hair off. This is war now." I laughed and there was a knock at the door.

"Demi! Stage time now!" Demi stood up.

"Wish me luck?" I stood up with her.

"I would normally just say good luck, but many people have different ways how they liked to be wished good luck. What's your way?" She smirked.

"You hold my hand walking down the corridor until we reach the wing. You say good luck to me, then kiss me on the cheek and I get out there and perform like a star." I roll my eyes and open the door.

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