Part 5

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Your POV:

We just arrived back at my dads and Demi helped me bring all my clothes in. "Dad, I'm back!" I shouted but I got no response. I turned to Demi and smiled. "I guess it's just us two for now..." she smirked and I shook my head. "No, don't get the wrong idea honey." She frowned and I laughed at her.

We went into the kitchen and sat down at the dining table with our waters. Demi asked me a question. "So... Y/N. Why are you moving between LA and Beverly Hills?"

"Oh, because my dad and London are moving to Malibu with my little brother and sister and London wants someone to have this house but I said I wanted to move to LA so she said I could have here and her apartment." She nodded and smiled.

"Your a good listener aren't you?" She nodded and smirked.

"I'm only listening because I actually like you and your hot and your life is super interesting." I shook my head and chuckled. "What?" She said with a confused facial expression.

"Nothing. Honestly, nothing. Thanks for today anyway." She smiled.

"It's not biggie. So what are we going to do now?"

"Wait for a reaction from Amber." She smiled and her smile made her look like she was the devil.

We was watching Tv when my phone got a notification. It said:

Whore: I can't believe you took most of my things and MY dog! You're the biggest muppet alive.

Y/N: you deserved it anyways. Also, I saw my rebound... tell her I want the onesie back that I BOUGHT!

Demi looked at me and giggled. "She replied didn't she?" I nodded. "I can bet you any money now, she wants HER dog back." I nodded and smiled.

"She didn't buy Paris though so she's basically mine."

I got another notification.

Whore: you even took my dishwasher. What am I going to do?!

Y/N: there is this thing called soap, sponge and water oh and also your hands.

Whore: by the way you SLUT... Alex is a way better fiancé then you ever WAS!

Y/N: okay bitch, say no more. I'm blocking your number from now on hun

Whore: good riddance!

I put my phone in my back pocket and Demi stood up. "Okay we got a reply from her, now what are we doing?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well it's Friday so... I need to wait for the kids to come back from school... then we normally go to Will's Diner not far from here if you would like to join?" She smiled and nodded.

We sat and waited for Ariana and Casey to come in the house. 20 minutes later I heard arguing coming down the hall, they're here.

"Stop! I'm not taking you to Will's if you don't stop arguing! Now tell me what happened." Ariana stood there stubborn with her hands crossed and Casey dropped all of his stuff on the floor.

"Ariana is trying to tell me that you're not coming with us to Malibu... I want you to come with us and I was telling her that you are and we was fighting on the bus and Lorna kicked us off because we was fighting and when she said for us to stop we didn't. So now she's mad at me because she thinks that I got us kicked off the bus." I rolled my eyes .

"Well you better be glad that, that was your last bus ride before you go to Bridge water then." Ariana rolled her eyes and started to walk away but I stopped her before she saw Demi.

"Ari, Case. I am not coming to Malibu with you but I will still see you all the time... once a week maybe. Don't worry you will get annoyed with me but we need to be happy because we are going to Will's and my friends joining us." Casey smiled.

"Is it Josh? I like josh he played fortnite with me." He walked round the corner with me and Ariana and he scoffed so I slapped him across the back of his head.

"Don't be so rude, now! Anyway this is my friend Demi. Demi this is Ariana." I said whilst putting my arm around Ari. "And this is Casey, definitely the rude one until he grows on you." She smiled.

"It's nice to meet you both. You both look so much like your sister it's unbelievable." They smiled and giggled.

Ariana spoke up. "So are you really just her friend or is she lying and your her girlfriend. She used to tend to do that... a lot." I roll my eyes and Demi smiles.

"No we are friends... for now." She smiled and winked which made Ariana laugh.

"Right kids go put your bags upstairs and get freshened up then we will leave okay?" They nodded and took their stuff and ran up the stairs. Demi walked over to me.

"You're on thin ice you are Demetria."

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