Part 16

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Lily's POV:
We swapped clothes, said our goodbyes for the time and I went on my way back to Y/N's and Demi's hotel room.

Once I opened the door I saw China and Demi pacing round the room. "Oh hey guys." I said with my best American accent.

They both looked at me with wide eyes. China ran over to me and hugged me whilst sighing. "It's been hours, what took you so long? Where did you go? Why do you smell different? Have you been on a date with a girl?" Once she asked that last question Demi's eyes shot straight to my face.

"No I haven't been on a date. I went to go get my nails done, I went to visit my cousin..." I don't have a cousin up here but I'm going to have to think of a name fast. "Um... Sydney." China rolled her eyes and sat down.

"So what have you two been doing all day?" I asked Demi.

"Waiting for you to come back because we thought that maybe we could have gone to Mathew's party but there's no point now."

"Why is there no point? It's only 10:30. Come on we can all throw something on then go." Demi shakes her head.

"I'm not really in the mood anymore." China stood up and got her coat.

"Well I'm going to Benny's house for the night and I will be back in the morning." I nod and she leaves. It's just me and Demi alone, awkward much.

"So... what do you want to do?" She shrugs her shoulders.

"Fine, we can just watch movies until we find something great to watch." She rolls her eyes and I put on Netflix and put on Legally Blonde.

We are half way through the movie and I get a text and it says Y/N:

'How's It going down there?'

'Well besides Demi rolling her eyes every ten seconds when I talk everything's Gucci'

'Please, do not ever say that again. Anyhow, what did you do to her?'

'Idk. Im just acting like you would. Tell me what to do?'

'Idk I'm not there remember. Just do truth or dare or something. Is China there?'

'China left and what am I 14? I'm 25 I'm not playing no truth or dare. Actually I have a great plan I'll be back later.'


I put my phone down and paused the Tv. "I was watching that!" I sat up and put the lights on.

"Well I'm bored so let's have some actual fun. Sit up on that couch over there." She rolls her eyes once again, soon I'm going to snap at her.

I sat down on the couch opposite her and crossed my legs. "Okay you don't have to play if you don't want to but this is a game I used to play with my ex Amber in the early days."

"Why are you telling me this?" I rolled my eyes this time.

"Because it's fun! So anyways it's basically two truths one lie. But there is a twist. If you get the answer wrong you basically have to remove one piece of clothing." Her eyes widened and she stood up immediately.

"Nope, I'm already out, see ya." I got up and dragged her back down to the couch.

"At least try it once if you are uncomfortable then you can feed me ice cream until I feel sick." She smirks and relaxes on the couch.

"Okay so I will ask first then." I nod. "At the age of 5 I done Barney and Friends, I have two sisters and I punched one of my back up dancers." I started laughing.

"The two truths definitely are the first two ones." She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Take a piece of clothing off, your choice. I have two sisters yes but I started barney when I was seven."

"Wait you actually punched one of your back up dancers?" She nodded.

"I was out of it then but anyhow ask me something." I took off one sock and she laughed.

"I met Kendall Jenner when I ran into her on the street, Amber adopted a child for me and never told me before hand, my mum and dad were married." She squinted her eyes.

"The second one is a lie."

"Touché." She laughed which made me laugh.

"Alright, I've had a one night stand with Jesse Williams, I've had 2 girlfriends and I fell down the stairs when I was drunk." I laughed and threw my head back.

"The lie is the one night stand one." She shook her head. I rolled my eyes and took off my other sock.

"The lie is the two girlfriend one. It happened after the music video for Tell Me You Love Me." I looked away.

We kept playing until I was in just my top and under wear and Demi only had her under wear, top and shorts on.

"Okay Demetria this one is going to get you confused. I had 3 girlfriends at one time in high school, I have more siblings than Ari and Casey and I've dated Josh before."

"Easy, The lie is the sibling one." I shook my head.

"There are not following questions but you lost that one so remove clothes." She tilted her head, smirked and slowly took off her bra from underneath her top.

I was shook, she took off her bra when she could have took something else off.

"Alright Y/N this is the last thing I have. Ruby Rose had a crush on me, I've Performed with H.E.R or I have a sister called Amber." What she doesn't have a sister called Amber.

"The lie is the sister one, there is only Madison and Dallas." She shook her head and I didn't even question it because I know I've lost. I took off my top which left my in my bra.

"I haven't performed with H.E.R, I would love to but it hasn't happened yet." I nodded. I stood up and checked the time, 12:30am.

"Well this was great but I'm going to bed before I can't get up for tomorrow." She laughed and we both walked into the bedroom.

Once we was in the bed we was just staring at each in the eyes. "Thank you." She said and I was confused. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"What for?"

"For just being you. I just love being around you. Yes I though you've been playing me whilst I've been on tour and I was super paranoid today when you came back really late."

"Demi I'm not playing you trust me, I'm just one of them people that don't like making the first move that's all." She smiled.

"Well let me make the first move." She said whilst whispering. My eyes widened, what do I do? She was moving closer and closer, lips about to brush off each other until my phone started ringing. I moved back rapid and checked who was calling, Y/N.

"Sorry can I just get this?" She rolled her eyes and turned over.

'Are you serious! You're calling at this time! What do you want?'

I could hear screaming down the phone but it wasn't her.

'Lily! Who the fuck have you pissed off? Someone is trying to kill me... well you! Come please, quick!' I rolled my eyes.

'I'll be there in 10.' I put the phone down and Demi sat up.

"What's wrong? Is it China? Is she okay?" I shook my head whilst slipping on my coat and sliders.

"It's my cousin Sydney, she needs me. I'll be back soon." She nodded.

"Call me if you need me."

"I will thanks." She smiled and left to rescue Y/N.

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