Part 11

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Your POV:
How could she leave me hanging like that? She only did that because she thought I sent that message when I really didn't. I checked the time and it's 7:30. I just want to get to LA before 5:30pm.

I go through all my messages to make sure that it didn't look like I was lying to Demi and someone set me up.

One message caught my eyes. 'Kiss me.' I honestly don't remember sending that. There is only one person that could have took advantage of me last night... Laura.

I decide to call her because Demi is sleeping anyways.

'Laura! How dare you.' I say in a whispery voice (sort of).

'What the fuck do you mean. It's 7:30am! Go back to bed!'

'I would but guess what I just found.'


'Kiss me... would you like to explain 'friend'?'

'Y/N. I can explain.'

'Go on then whilst demi is sleeping.'

'I was just looking out for you. I thought you've been hurt so much over Amber that you would like to make your mind up over Demi with her just kissing you so you was no longer confused.'

'Laura, this would have been better when I was sober. You already know how I feel about her. I just don't like expressing my feelings and you know that. This is really hard.'

'It's not that hard Y/N. She likes you and you like her, simple.'

'You're no help Laura. Bye.'

'Thank god I need more sleep.' I laughed and put the phone down.

I got out of the bed and decided to get in the shower ready to leave for LA.

Demi's POV:
So she does like me? I feel like I scare everyone off. I don't know what to do now? Do I approach this before I go on the USA tour? Do I leave it for three weeks? I don't know.

I've been pretending to be asleep for at least an hour now. I fake to wake up and open my eyes when I see Y/N drying her hair at her mirror. I got out the bed and went straight into the bathroom.

I texted Sirah. 'Hey S, do me a massive favour doll. Pack me some casual clothes please and get Sergio to bring all the clothes from the fitting with the casual clothes please.' I washed my face and brushed my teeth with a spare tooth brush and I got a text back.

'Sure. I will make sure he gets that to you ASAP x.' I sent a smiley face and went back into the room and noticed that Y/N wasn't in there.

I went downstairs and made some coffee and toast. Once I ate and drank it there was a knock on the door. Sergio came to the front door. "Could you come back for me for 12pm and take me to LA please?" He nodded.

"That is my job Miss Lovato." I smiled and thanked him and closed the door. I went straight upstairs and saw Ariana sat on her bed and Y/N sat at her vanity talking so I won't interrupt them.

I got changed into my grey joggers and white hoodie that Sirah packed. Put my hair into a messy bun and put on my Tommy sneakers.

I checked the time and it was 11:30 and Sergio called and said he was here early. I went back into Y/N room and I caught her in the wardrobe sat down next to her suitcase not doing anything.

"You okay?" She turned around so fast I'm afraid she got whiplash and she nodded.

"Sergio is going to drop us off in LA but that's if you want to come with me." I smiled slightly.

"Um, I think I'm gonna pass." I frowned slightly and nodded. I quickly put on a smile so she couldn't tell that I was upset about it.

"Text me when you are in LA yeah?" She nods and I smile and get my suitcase down the stairs.

Ariana and Casey stopped me. "Are you leaving Demi?" I wiped a single tear from my cheek and nodded.

"Yeah but whenever you want me to visit text me okay. Or text when you want to visit me in LA, I have two cute little dogs." Casey smiled and gave me a hug and ran upstairs. I was about to leave when Ariana stopped me.

"My sister really cares for you Demi, I really care for you." I smiled and squeezed her in a tight hug.

"I care for you too honey but right now I don't think me and your sister are on great terms." She frowned her eyebrows.

"She is just worried that if she expresses her feelings towards you that you will hurt her. Trust me, I can read her like a book. I will have another talk to her about you for the second time today and if that doesn't work then I don't know what will." I nod and smile.

"Text me whenever you need me okay. Even if you are in Malibu and you need a break from Casey, I will get Sergio or Matthew my bestfriend to pick you up. I can even take you to the Teen Choice Awards... that's when I'm nominated of course."

She laughs. I look at her for a bit and admire her beauty. She waves and I leave and shut the front door leaving for LA alone.

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