Part 9

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Your POV:
We finished the fitting and we drove to my dads house. For the EMA's with Demi I have to wear a long red dress, that shows my cleavage and has a slit down my right leg.

I opened the front door as I saw Ariana with her friends sat on the couch. "Hey girls, what you watching?" They all looked at me and waved.

"We are watching Pretty Little Liars. Even though we've watched it like a thousand times it's so we are ready for the spin off." Demi spoke up.

"Same." They all laughed.

"Hey Demi." Ariana said and waved. Demi smiled. We walked up the stairs to my room. But I shouted down to Ari.

"Ariana, where is our brother?" She shouted back up to me.

"In the back with Josh!" I shook my head and Demi laughed.

When we got in my room Demi hopped straight on my bed and I went to the balcony. I slid the doors open and noticed Josh and Casey running after each other with water guns.

"Casey, Josh get inside! It's winter and you are having a water fight, you're going to catch a cold!" They both looked at me and shook their heads.

"I'm just having some fun before I have to go to my girlfriends party!" Josh said. I checked the time, 5:00pm.

"Josh I think you need to go get ready because it's 5 and we need to be gone by 8 so..." he smiled and nodded.

"See ya later Casey. See you after Y/N." I smiled and waved and watched him leave. I suddenly see Casey starting to sneak off.

"You! Inside!" He stopped and rolled his eyes and stormed into the house.

"I would hate to be your younger sibling." Demi said.

"I would hate to be your older sibling." I stuck my tongue out and she laughed.

"Can i  kind of steal some of your clothes?" I nodded my head.

"Yes, just don't take my all in one black and white stripey outfit or you're dead." She nods and walks into my wardrobe.

I was getting all the makeup ready that I needed and got my hair straighteners out.

I was straightening my hair when Demi walked in. "How do I look?" I turned around and she looked stunning.

She was wearing a black crop top that showed her cleavage, black ripped jeans and black high heels. Wow!

"You look good." She frowned.

"Good, is that it. I tried to make myself look extra sexy for you to try and make a move on me." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Lovato." She giggled and started to do her makeup.

I went into my wardrobe and got ready. Once I was dressed I only had to do my makeup. I was doing my makeup when I heard Demi walking over to me.

"When you're finished we need to get some pictures together." I smiled into the mirror.

My makeup was done which was light. Demi made me stand up and we took some selfies which I must admit we look pretty hot in them. I got my phone and called London and my dad.

'Hey dad where are you?'

'Driving back from LA with London. Why?' I scoffed.

'We need to leave and I'm not leaving the kids alone.'

'We are literally an hour away I'm sure they will be fine.'

'Alright, but if they break anything don't say I didn't tell you so.' I put the phone down and we walk downstairs.

"Girls, Casey is upstairs and London and my dad will be home in an hour so don't break anything. Here's some money incase if you want to order food before they get here." They nod and thank us and we leave the house to go to Liz's party.

Demi's POV:
Me and Y/N walked into the party linked because paparazzi was taking pictures of us when we entered the club that Josh hired for his girlfriend.

We walked in and the music was blasting through my ear drums. Y/N was looking round for her friends and I was afraid that I looked like a tag along.

We found Josh and I'm guessing his girlfriend. "Hey Liz Happy birthday. This is Demi." Liz hugged me so I hugged her back.

"Happy birthday, it's nice to meet you." She smiled at me.

"It's nice to meet you too." I smiled.

"Come on Demi, lets go get a drink and I'll introduce you to more of my friends." I smiled and y/n dragged me along to the bar.

We got our drinks and we walked over to more people. "Demi this is Laura, Cara and Mel." I nodded and smiled.

"Hi it's nice to meet you I'm Demi." They all smiled and waved.

"This is Carl, Cj and Chris." I smiled and one of the boys were giving me these weird eyes like he wanted to get in my pants. No thanks.

I just smiled and waved. (Smile and wave boys, just smile and wave. If you don't get that joke then I just don't know what to do with you!)

Soon after everyone was arriving and it was fun. Me and Y/N was dancing and the more she drank the more she was getting less sober. I just stuck to 3 drinks so I could actually stand.

I was sat at a table with that Mel and Laura and they seem nice. "When you first met Y/N was she really stubborn?" I nod immediately.

"Yeah but I think it's just because she doesn't like opening up to people." Cara shook her head.

"Well not exactly. I've known Y/N since the age of 16 and that only happens when she is confused." I was confused.

"Sorry I'm confused what do you mean?"

"Since her and Amber broke up she's been different. Texting me saying one night she'll be crying because she's confused and one night she'll be fine. She doesn't know how she feels towards you Demi. Just wait for her and see what happens but please don't hurt her because she's really fragile." I nod and smile slightly. Wow I didn't even know.

I looked over and she was on the dance floor dancing with Liz, she looked so small and innocent.

"She will show her real side tonight now that she's drunk." I laugh which makes them two laugh.

"So, is Liz friends with that Amber girl?" They nodded.

"Yeah but Y/N thinks that they are not friends anymore. We are not her friend because she's more two faced than a two headed snake but don't tell Y/N's that they are friends because she will be super paranoid." I nod. Are you mad I'm gonna tell her but just not tonight.

Your POV:
Everyone was sat round the table and I was coming back from the restroom. I looked near the entrance and it was amber coming in with her new girlfriend. I hurried back to the table and noticed there was nowhere I would sit. I planted myself straight on Demi's lap.

"Um hi to you too." She smirked and I just laughed.

Suddenly I see Amber walk over to the table holding hands with this girl.

"Happy birthday Liz, thanks for inviting me." My eyes widened and I looked over to Liz and Josh and Liz looked straight away and Josh shrugged his shoulders. I squeezed in between Demi and Laura, she's getting way to close to Demi. Amber and her girlfriend squeezed in on the end opposite us so I just gave a fake smile.

We was all having fun, there was times where I could see Amber or her girlfriend giving me dirty looks but I didn't care. I really want to make Amber jealous.

I instantly put my hand on Demi's thigh and it made her jump abit. She whispered into my ear. "Are you okay?" I smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry." She looked at me weirdly.

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