Part 4

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Your POV:
I can't believe she lied to me! She kept dodging the question every time because she didn't want me to know that she was famous? Why though it would have changed anything. I decided to text her seeing as I can sleep and it's 3 am.

'Demi!' I waited for a while until I got a response 5 minutes later.

'What! It's 3 am Y/N!'

'You lied! You lied to me! You said you wasn't a famous singer and I just found you are.' It kept saying she was typing but she was typing for a long time.

'I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to lie trust me. I just figured that you didn't know me from when I first sat in front of you then maybe you could get to know me instead of reading every thing about me. I'm sorry... again.' She does have a point. Life must be hard when you're famous because people start to judge you instantly from little comments on the media.

'It's okay I just don't like getting lied to that's all.'

'Don't worry it won't happen again, promise😄.' She's such a loser.

'So I need your help if you don't mind Demi?' She replied instantly.

'Sure. Anything. What with?' I rolled my eyes, she's so eager to always help.

'Okay so, I'm moving (sort of) to LA on Monday and I need to get all my things out of my ex fiancés house, well my house whilst she's at work. She leaves the house normally at around 9 and finishes at around 4. Wanna create some mischief?'

'I'm down.'

'Great, Thanks. Can you be at my dads for 8:30 so we can be in West Hollywood for 9:10am.'

'Sure send me the address and I will send it to Sergio now.' I smile to myself.

'(Address). Don't be late this time!'

'Don't worry I won't😄 see ya.'

I don't reply and I put my phone down. Wow, tomorrow, well today should be eventful.

Time skip.

My alarm went off as it was currently 7:45am and I need to be ready by half past 8. I got out of bed and got straight into the shower.

Once I was out I put my hair into a messy bun, put on my black jeans and my black hoodie. It was 8:10 and I got a text from Demi. 'Hey, I'm leaving my house now, we will complete this mission!' This idiot.

'Lol, whatever you say Demi Lovato.'

'Please don't say that you just hurt my feelings.'

'What by saying your full name?'
Okay she's mad now.
I still didn't get a text back so I put my phone in my pocket.

I done my makeup lightly and left my room. I went downstairs and London was giving the kids breakfast for school.

Casey spoke up. "You look like you're going to rob a bank." I chuckled and so did London.

"I'm just going to rob Ambers place..." his eyes widened.

"Cool! Can I come Y/N please I will be your best friend..." London said.

"Nope, you two have got school so eat up and you will see your sister after school." He frowns and eats his breakfast.

Once they finished I agreed that I would walk them to the street. Ariana and Casey started running down the drive which was a long pathway.

"Catch us if you can Y/N!" For god sake.

I started running after them. "I'm gonna catch you guys." I could see the bus coming. "Hurry you are going to miss the bus!" They started running faster and I ran after them.

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