Part 10

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Demi's POV:
Is this what the girls meant? She's definitely acting weird right now. Hand on my thigh, whispering in my ear. I'm so afraid that she's doing it to make Amber jealous.

I was drinking my drink when I got a text on my phone.
'Kiss me.' What?

'No. I don't even know who you are.'

'You do. Trust me. Kiss me.'

'Well can you at least tell me your name.'

'No name is needed. Kiss me already.'

'There is loads of people here how do I know who is who?'

'Kiss me or I will kiss you!'

'Kiss me then, it would make this whole situation easier.' I didn't get another text. I was just waiting for someone to kiss me when I was least expecting it.

I carried on drinking my drink until it was all gone. Should I get another one and leave it at 4, Sure. I got up and walked over to the bar. Once I had my drink I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I raised my eyebrow and looked her up and down.

"Are you and Y/N like together now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why would you like to know Amber?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I've already hurt her..."

"We all know about that honey." She rolled her eyes.

"Just make sure you take good care of her please. I can't stand to see her in pain again." I crossed my arms.

"Again. Well she wouldn't have been hurt in the first place if you didn't cheat on her 9 times." Her eyes widened.

"She told you then." I nodded. I was about to say something when I felt these warm hands around my waist.

"You okay Dem? Is she bothering you?" I squinted my eyes and Amber.

"Not anymore." I walked away, left my drink on the side and stormed off into the restroom.

I was washing my hands when the door opened. I looked over my shoulder and noticed it was Y/N and I just rolled my eyes.

"Ariana wants us home. Your dad hasn't came back yet." I was being so blunt with her.

"Okay we can leave." I nodded and stormed out of restroom. I called Sergio and he said he was outside waiting. We got in the car and it was silent.

Why couldn't she be like she was in front of everyone else now. Why does everything change when we are alone. I'm so annoyed.

We walked through the door and all of Arianas friends were sleeping on the couch but Ariana was awake watching tv.

"You can go sleep now Ari we are home you don't have to worry." She nodded. We walked upstairs and I went straight into Y/N's bedroom.

Your POV:
I don't know what is wrong with Demi but she's not being herself. I'm so drunk that I am just probably imaging everything. I walked into my room and Demi's clothes were on the floor and I could hear the shower running from inside the bathroom.

I sat with my back against the bathroom door. "Demi are you mad at me?" I waited and waited for a response but I never got one. "Please Demi, I don't know what I've done."

"Please Y/N can we talk about this after my shower?"

"Sure." I walked out of the room and called my dad.

'Dad, what the fuck. It's 4am and you're not back! Where are you!'

'I know, I know. I'm sorry. We had to make a stop in Calabasas to see your grandma.'

'What at 4am?'

'No we stopped there since we last spoke to you. We are leaving at 7 so expect us home at 8.'

'Whatever.' I put the phone down and walked into my bedroom and the light was off. I noticed that Demi was in my bed trying to get to sleep.

I left my bra on and slipped on some shorts and got into the bed.

"Demi." I whispered. "I'm sorry." She turned around.

"Stop saying sorry. You did nothing wrong." She was still lying down but I sat up so I could face her more clearly.

"I obviously did or you wouldn't be so angry at me." She huffed.

"I just don't like it when somebody plays with my feelings okay." I frowned my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Well first sitting on my lap, putting your hand on my thigh, whispering in my ear. Then texting me off a private number saying you want to kiss me..."

"I didn't text you that. I haven't been on my phone until now." She rolled her eyes.

"Stop messing with me. I know it was you." I shook my head.

"I really didn't." She rolled over and didn't say another word. I lied down and faced her back.

Come on just do it. She will be fine with it. She will react in a good way.

I slowly put my leg on top of her leg and my arm around her waist.

Demi's POV:

Does she think this is seriously going to work? I turn around to face her and she's smirking.

"Don't mess with me right now Y/N." She whispered in my ear.

"Sorry I don't know what I'm doing Demi." I rolled my eyes. I put my palm all over her stomach and she was biting her bottom lip. I slowly left little kisses all over her neck. Trailing down to where her bra is. I could hear her sweet moans.

Suddenly I stopped and whispered into her ear. "Two can play that game." Her mouth was left wide open and I turned over and fell asleep smirking to myself.

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