Part 3

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Demi's POV:
It's 11:30am and I just woke up. I can't wait to see Y/N today, I actually can't wait to get to know her a little more. Ever since me and Wilmer broke up I've tried my very hardest to find someone else to love but it hasn't really worked. The last relationship that I was in was with Lauren 'Kittens' and she was cool and all but I wasn't feeling it. I do love her still but not like the love where I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I am so glad that Y/N hasn't realised that I am the real Demi Lovato yet because I want her to get to know me and not just read my life. Should I text her or is that too needy? I'm going to do it anyways.

'Morning y/n. Can't wait to see you later!' She replied immediately.

'Can't say the same about you...' rude. She's just got a wall up with me but I will definitely break that wall don't worry.

I got out of bed, fed batman and cinderella and then fed myself some pancakes and strawberries because why not.

I walked upstairs and decided what I was going to wear. Something classy? Comfortable? Showing? Sexy? Let's just go with comfortable. I picked out my skinny high waisted ripped jeans then my white v-neck top. I'm going to wear it with a black fur jacket and white Nike trainers.

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. Once I was done I got out and brushed my teeth. I started to get dressed, do my makeup lightly then I put my hair in a high slick pony tail. I checked the time on my phone and noticed that it was 1:00pm.

I got in my drivers car and Sergio started driving to Lauren's Cafe, hopefully she would like to go to the movies with me.

Your POV:
I checked my watch again and it was 1:45pm. I decided to text Demi.
'You better not have stood me up!' I went outside and waited because I was the only person in Lauren's.

Finally a black car pulled up and a man got out and opened the door and Demi got out and walked over to me. "Hey." I rolled my eyes.

"You're late." She nodded. 

"I can explain. I left at the right time but my driver couldn't get here fast enough. I'm sorry." I nodded and smirked.

"So What's the plan for today Demi?" She looked at me in a weird way then looked away.

"Well I was thinking let's take it back to the teenage years. Go to the mall, buy loads of junk food and sneak them all into the movies for when we watch The Hate U Give." I raised my eyebrows.

"I feel like this is a date." I stood with my hands on my hip.

"A friendly date. Now let's go get fatty food and get to the cinema before we miss the movie." I followed her to the car and the driver opened the door for us and we both thanked him and he drove us to the movies.

We hopped out the car and driver said he will pick us up at 7pm and we thanked him once again and started to walk towards the mall. She stopped me before we walked inside. "Hey Y/N I'm just warning you now. I get told I look like a famous singer a lot so if people come to us and ask me for a picture help me convince them that I am not a famous singer." I looked at her in a strange way.

"Well are you a famous singer?" She put her finger towards her lips and pushed me into the mall leaving me confused.

We raided all the shops for popcorn, fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate then we headed to the movies. Once we entered there, some people were looking at us and I even caught a couple taking photos of us.

We went straight up the escalators and the staff ripped our tickets and showed us what screen room we was in.

Once we was sat down people were already in there. When people saw Demi I heard some whispers and it's really starting to bug me now. We took our seats and waited for the movie to start.

"Demi?" She turned, looked at me and hummed. "What do you actually do?" Before she could answer it was too late because the movie already started so I wasn't even bothered anymore.

Demi's POV:
We came out of the screening room and Y/N was in tears. "Oh don't cry, it was only a movie." She nodded.

"Yeah but this is what happens in real life and nothing is happening to make America better." I nodded and we walked out of the movies.

I don't want to tell Y/N that I am a real singer because I want her to find out on her own. Am I a bad person for not telling her and keep dodging the question every time?

We got back in the car and when I was about to tell her that I sing I noticed that she has fell asleep with her head against the car door. I got her head gently and put it against my shoulder.

Suddenly the car came to a stop and it was outside Y/N's fathers house. I shook her slightly to make her wake up. "Y/N we are at your house, wake up." She stirred a bit then eventually woke up.

"Thanks Demi for today."

"So are we doing it again?" She shook her head.

"You was alright Demi but I don't do movie dates twice, something different would be nice." She smiled slightly and got out the car. I watched her enter the house and Sergio drove to my house to drop me off.

Your POV:
After I got into my pyjamas I was walking round the house to try and find my dad. I walked into his room and he was sat at his desk and London was sat in their bed.

"Dad? London? What day do you go to Malibu?" London put her book down.

"Monday next week, why?" I smiled.

"I was just wondering because I know Ambers work schedule and I'm going to ask a friend to help me move out half of the things to move to the LA apartment to make it more homely." I smirked and left their room.

I went into Caseys room to find him playing god damn Fortnite on his play station 4. Casey is my 13 year old brother, we have the same dad but not the same mom. Unfortunately my mom died on a plane crash going to Paris for work so my dad married London which I think is okay because they both love each other and she is a really nice woman that takes care of my sister and brother and even treats me as her own. I kissed him on his forehead.

"Goodnight Casey. Also, off that game by 10."

He then shouted to me. "Y/N you have to learn to stop kissing me on my head now I'm not 6 anymore. Also, I will go to bed at whatever time I want to!" I smiled and closed his door.

Next door I walked into Ariana's room and she was at her desk. "Whatcha drawing sis?" She looked up to me and smiled.

"A family portrait of all of us. Don't worry next to you and dad I'm going to put Diana because even though she's gone dad still loves her deep down and she's your mom and she always will be." I smiled and kissed her head.

"You are a sweet child when you want to be. Goodnight Ari, and don't stay up too late." She smiles and I close her door. Out of the two I am more closer to Ari but that's because we bond over more things but I still love them both equally. Ariana is 14 and she's a real artist (well she might as well be).

I got into my bed after saying goodnight to everyone and I picked up my phone. I checked my explore page on Instagram and all over it was pictures of me and Demi. I clicked on the first one and it said. 'Demi Lovato and new lover on a special first date to the movies. @ her if you know her...'

What the f*** Demi is Demi Lovato!!!???!!

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