Part 15

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Demi's POV:
I woke up half way through the night to Y/N on the phone to someone. I couldn't hear who it was but from Y/N's side of the call she was pretty angry.

It is 8:50am and I am dressed in baggy clothes waiting for Y/N to return so we can get to New York for the next show.

Suddenly, I hear her phone get a text message. I don't mean to be nosy but I glance over at her screen.

'Hey, it's me again from last night. I'm sorry we couldn't talk more but I loved meeting you and I can't wait to see you again in New York. Lily x'

Who's Lily! Is y/n seeing someone and not told me about it? I know me and y/n aren't together but I feel this rush of jealousy and anger take over my body.

All of a sudden laughter filled the room. Y/N and China walked in. "Finally we can go!" They smiled at me whilst I got out my seat before I got to the door. "Oh y/n you got a text." She nodded and grabbed her phone and we left the hotel and got to the airport.

Your POV:
We just got off the plane and we was in the back of Sergio's SUV whilst he's driving us to our new hotel. The car ride was silent, complete and utter silence.

I don't know what happened whilst me and China left the room but Demi is not herself. Lily texted me before we left LA and I forgot to text her back.

'Hey I've only just seen this message. It was nice to meet you two and whilst I'm in New York for 3 days I hope we can catch up. P.S. I lashed out at the no.1 wasteman for treating you like trash. Y/N x'

I was staring out the car window when we pulled up outside the hotel. Sergio placed all of our luggage onto a cart and one of the staff members wheeled it into the hotel.

Once we reached the hotel room Demi and China crashed straight onto the bed out of exhaustion. I got another text on my phone:

'Y/N, can we meet like now if you are not busy? I'm going to be at the nail salon in the mall next to your hotel. Text me if you can make it.'

I smile to myself and when I look up Demi is staring at me in a weird way so when I smile at her she rolls her eyes. What's up with her today?

I stand up and go and grab my coat and boots to go with my jeans and hoodie that I got into.

"Guys, I know we've only just got into New York but I need to go to the mall and grab some stuff." China nods and Demi speaks up.

"I can come with you if you want, I've got nothing to do here anyways." My eyes widen and I shake my head rapidly.

"No you should get some rest for the show tomorrow. We've already been on a flight plus I will only be around an hour or two." She squints Her eyes and slowly sits down.

I leave the hotel and let out a huge sigh to remember that Lily is probably waiting. I'm walking down the street seeing as the mall is literally 2 blocks away when Demi texts me:

'Y/N, you're making me really paranoid right now. Tell me yes or no are you seeing someone?' I laugh to myself and notice that some people are looking at me in a strange way.

'Demi, I don't have time to see someone when I can't even make up my feelings about you. There is no need to be paranoid x'

I walk into the mall and try to find the nail salon.

'So who is LILY then?' When I saw Lily's name in capital letters I was shocked. How does she know who she is? I'm going to have to lie to her.

'Oh Lily Graham, before my mom died she had a friend called Keisha Graham and that's her daughter so we've been friends for a while. We haven't seen each other in like 12 years though.'

Will she believe me? I walk into the salon and put my phone away because I see Lily sat down getting her nails done.

"Hey Lily." She turns around and smiles.

"Hey, was it easy to get out?" I shake my head.

"No. I haven't even told Demi about you because I don't want to yet so she found out about you and she thinks I'm seeing you behind her back. I had to lie and said before my mom died your mom was my moms friend that's how we know each other." She rolls her eyes and nods at the same time.

"Why don't you just tell her Y/N? It will break her heart once she knows you lied to her." She gets up and pays the person that did her nails and we continue to walk round the mall and talk.

"I would but I have this amazing plan and you're going to love it, I guarantee." I smile and her eyes widen.

"Well will it get me into trouble?" I shake my head.

"Swap places? Like literally. She would never tell the difference."

"Are you crazy?! Even if she doesn't see one of my friends will 100%." I roll my eyes.

"You're such a buzz kill, totally the opposite from me." She smiles.

"Fine I will do it. But... it depends how long for?" I clap and jump up and down like a child excited for Christmas.

"Well Demi has a show tomorrow then we get onto the tour bus the next morning at 11:30 so if you meet me here for 10:45 then we can swap back places." She frowned her eyebrows.

"I don't really like this idea... but it could be fun." I smile and nod.

"Okay, so there is Tori, Demi's normal body guard and then there is Jamie, the tour body guard and security, she is normally stood at the gates of the event so she will know who you are." She nods.

"Also with mine, it's my best friends birthday Perrie tomorrow at 7:00pm at Nobu's near my hotel. There will be Sarah, she is Perries sister with black hair, Nina, she is the brunette, Tokyo he is the only boy that is gay and then there is Jordan, she has blue hair at the moment." I nod.

"Demi's photographer is called China and she is our dad's wife's sister. So, try and play it cool. If she asks about Ariana or Casey they are our little brother and sister. Also, Angel is Demi's makeup and hair artist and Sirah is her stylist so be aware of them, they can read me... well you now like a book." She frowns and nods slowly.

"Right we might as well swap clothes then we will head our separate ways." I nod and we go off into the bathroom and that is where the chaos all begins.

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