Part 12

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Your POV:
Why did I push her away? I'm so stupid it's unbelievable! I'm the worst person in the world for letting her go.

Still crying, sat on my floor in the middle of my wardrobe for 45 minutes. Ariana walked into my room and sat facing me.

"You really need to get your act together y/n." I gave her a death stare and tilted my head.

"Im not taking advice from a 14 year old that doesn't even have any experience about my situation." She nodded slowly.

"Yeah but I'm going to experience it one day so I need to see what is going to happen." I roll my eyes and keep packing.

"Can I pack and cry in peace now?" She shook her head.

"You're not crying when you aren't even doing anything about it. Go and see Demi and be as close as you were. You better be quick before she moves on." My head lowers in melancholy.

"I don't even know why she decided to like me... why did I decide to like her? I just wish if I could live alone and be alone forever." I sob hysterically.

"No I'm not going to let this happen to my sister. You are going to LA and you two are going to mend this relationship between you two." I nod slowly.

"Okay what you waiting for?! Pack and let's go!" I smile slightly and she leaves and I pack.

Time skip.
Liz is driving me to LA because she has to go pick up her niece from a couple blocks away from me.

I'm sat in the back staring at my phone screen. Do I call? Do I text? I don't know what to do. We came to a stop in traffic and Liz turns around to see me out of it.

"You want to talk to her don't you?" I look up slowly and nod my head. "How about you call her right now." Maybe I should. I don't know.

"Okay, I'm going to do it." She smiles and turns around to drive us further to LA.

The phone rang once and she immediately picked up. 'Hello.' I smiled to hear her voice.

'Hi. Are you busy?'

'Not right now. Why? Are you okay?'

'Yeah I'm okay. I just really need to talk to you face to face.' She chuckles a bit.

'I think that's just an excuse to see me.' I smile because of her stupid jokes to try and make me laugh.

'I'm going to be in LA at 4:00 so if you are free at around 6 wanna come to my apartment?' I could sense that she was bouncing off the walls.

'I would love to. I still know your address so make sure you have food for me waiting.' I giggle.

'Alright.' I put the phone down and smiled to myself. Maybe this would go okay.

Time skip.

It was 5:30 and I was getting a bit tired but I knew I wanted to see Demi for sure. I decided to get changed into some joggers and a normal top that was blue.

I was sat on the couch with the white fluffy pillows around me. I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I waited for a little while until I got a response.

"It's me." I instantly knew it was Demi. I got up from the couch, wrapped my house coat around me and answered the door to see her smiling.

She walked in and sat right on my couch and I sat next to her.

"I'm sorry." We said in unison.

We both giggled and Demi let me speak. "Demi I'm so sorry for pushing you away. I don't know why I do it, I just do it with everyone."

"I think you're just afraid of the truth. You don't like to admit things to people so you would rather just push them away than own up to it to the person." I nod slowly.

She smiles. "Well I'm sorry for leaving. I should have just stayed and waited for you." I shook my head.

"See It's my fault. If I didn't push you away then we could have went to LA together. You wouldn't have left the house and we wouldn't be having to say sorry to each other for petty reasons." She rolls her eyes.

"We should say sorry to each other more often, I like this side of you." I roll my eyes and playfully slap her arm.

Demi's POV:

We was on our 4th movie and it was Night School and I was laughing. "Tiffany Haddish is amazing, right y/n?" I turned and noticed that Y/N has fell asleep right beside me. I shake my head and chuckle to myself.

I pick up a piece of paper that was left on the coffee table and look around for a pen until I notice one on the kitchen side. I write a note for her:

'Y/N. I will speak to you when you wake up but if you don't get through immediately it's because I will be on the tour bus. Try and call me before midday and we can speak. Thanks for last night, I'm happy we made up x'

I put the note on the table. I lifted up the fluffy cover on top of her body and put a little strand of hair behind her ear. I studied her beauty for a little while until I realised that Sergio was outside.

I went to the front door and grinned to myself. I opened the door and shut it behind me and got in my car and Sergio drove my home ready to start my USA tour.

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