Part 13

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Your POV:
I woke up smiling on my sitting room couch with my fluffy throw over me. Then I remembered what happened last night, I'm so glad me and Demi have made made up.

I got up and went into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. Once I was out I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I should really cut my hair, try something new. I don't want long hair anymore.

I got dressed into my navy blue Fila track suit and my white Fila trainers. Suddenly I heard my phone ring... ugh my dad. I love him but sometimes he can be a little much.


'Y/N, how are you in LA?'

'I'm alright... why?' I knew something suspicious was happening.

'Basically, London's sister...'

'Oh yeah China...' before I could finish my dad interrupted me.

'Yes, China. She wants to meet with you and go into the mall with you in 20 minutes is that okay?' I smiled.

'Yeah, you know what tell her I'm ready now if anything.' I smiled.

'Okay I will tell her to leave now. Speak to you later Y/N. Love you.'

'Love you too.' I put the phone down and smiled.

I was eating some toast, then I brushed my teeth. Instantly I heard a honk outside of my apartment. I got my phone and my White Fila bum bag and locked my apartment then left.

It was two o'clock and China was driving to the mall.

"So what have you been up to lately Y/N?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing exciting to be honest. What about you?" She nodded and smiled.

"Well, I've achieved my dream and got my first job as being a photographer." Nice.

"That's cool. Who's it for?" She but her bottom lip and that made me cringe straight away.

"Demi Lovato." Oh no no no.

"Wow really. So are you going to all of her shows for the USA tour?" She nodded.

"Yeah that's why I've got to go to the mall today to get the rest of my things." I smiled.

I picked up my phone and decided to call Demi.

'Hey Y/N, can you call me back?' I rolled my eyes.

'Not really I'm going to be busy...' I couldn't really hear her properly. 'Are you in a club!'

'No im at rehearsals for tonight, you know sound check?' I chuckled.

'Okay. Well maybe I will see you tonight.'

'Did you not get my note, I left it on your coffee table.'

'To be honest I just got up and got ready.'

'Alright, well I'll see you tonight.'

'See you later babe.' I put the phone down and me and China got out the car.

We was walking through the mall and we walked straight past the hair shop.

"Hey China, do you think I should cut my hair?" She frowned her eyebrows.

"If my hair was as long as yours I would never ever get my hair cut. But, try something new." I smiled and walked back on myself and went into the hair shop.

The woman behind the counter smiled. "Hi, how can I help you?" I smiled.

"Um, Hi. Do you think any time soon one of your workers could cut my hair?" She walked around so she was near me.

She noticed how long my hair was. "Wow, your hair is just past your bum, how short?"

"To my shoulders." China and the workers eyes widened.

"Uhh, yeah we could fit you in right now if you like?" I smiled and nodded and China spoke up.

"Okay, Y/N I'm gonna go and get the rest of my stuff so I'll be back in 45 minutes yeah?" I nodded and she left the shop leaving me alone.

I took a seat in a free chair and the hairdresser called Sam came over. "So to the shoulders yeah?" I took a deep breath and nodded. She smirked and picked up the scissors.

I'm half way through and I get a FaceTime call from Demi. Do I answer or leave her? I want to keep it a secret. I'll do it from the chin upwards.

'Hey. You finished rehearsals yet?' She huffed and rolled her eyes.

'I'm on a break. I honestly don't understand why they want me to rehearse at 2:30 then perform at 6, what's the point?' I shrugged my shoulders.

'It's only a sound check stop complaining babe.' She smiled and got more comfortable on the phone.

'So anyways, what you doing?' What do I say?

'I'm just at the mall... doing something new to my hair.' Her eyes widened.

'Y/N, my favourite thing besides your smile and your cute dimples is your long hair. Girl! You better not being cutting your hair. Let me see now!' I shook my head and smiled.

'You will have to wait until 5:45. I'm coming with China anyways.' She frowned her eyebrows.

'How do you know my photographer?'

'She's London's sister.' She said oh and laughed.

'Anyways I've got to go babe, I'll see you later and please bring your passport and suitcase full of clothes.' I rolled my eyes and smiled.

'I won't forget don't worry Demi. Go. I'll see you later Dem.' She smiled and I put the phone down. Suddenly, Sam was smiling at me.

"You love her don't you?" My eyes widened out of shock.

"Pffft, no. What makes you say that?" I sounded really guilty now.

"You was smiling non stop through that call. She makes you smile and be happy, you make her happy and smile." Do I love her?

"Listen take my advice. Talk to her, tell her how you feel before it's too late."

"How do you know she'll feel the same way?" She shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't know but some call it magic, some call it fate. Either way she's will stay in the same way." I smile.

After a while my hair was done. She gave me a mom bob but it actually suited me. China came back into the store and she was shocked.

"Wow, it actually looks pretty hot on you." I say thanks and Julie the manager comes up.

"Sam said you was wonderful to work with. Normally it would be $40 but we will give you the whole cut for $20." I smile.

"Thank you. Here's $20 and tell Sam I gave her a $20 tip. I will definitely come back here if I need help. Also, tell Sam I thank her a lot for the advice." She nods and smiles and we leave the shop.

We drive to my apartment and China drops me off. "Right, I'll pick you up at 5:25. So be ready." I nod and get out of her car.

Once I was packed and had everything with me I just straightened up my hair and makeup and it was ready to go because China honked from outside.

I loaded my suitcase into the boot and we headed off to Demi's first USA tour.

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