Chapter 2

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An hour and a half later, Beca and Chloe would be sat in a small cafe down town waiting for the manager of the record company to arrive. Beca would be bouncing her leg up and down underneath the table feeling nervous, as she'd keep fidgeting in her seat, watching each person that would walk in. Chloe noticing this would place her hand on Beca's knee stopping it from bouncing, causing Beca to look over at her now.

"Calm down, everything is going to be fine", Chloe would smile at her making Beca instantly relax.

"Thanks Chlo", she'd smile back at her looking up as someone would approach their table now holding a cup of coffee.

"Miss Mitchell and Miss Beale?", the man would put his coffee down on the table before shaking both of the girls' hands as they'd stand up to greet the gentleman.

"Nice to meet you Mr Jones, thank you for agreeing to meet with us today on short notice", Chloe would speak politely as her and Beca would both sit back down opposite him.

"Please call me Richard, and of course! I liked what I saw last night from you Beca. I think you've got real potential!", he'd nod over at Beca who'd be for the first time in her life speechless and without words.

Chloe would nudge her elbow into Beca's side bringing her back into the room so she would answer him, "Thank you Richard uhm.. I'm really passionate about this and there is nothing else I want more than to produce music"

"Well I don't see why that can't happen someday, you've got a real ear for mixes and good music", he'd sip some of his coffee before continuing, looking at Chloe now. "I would like to offer your client a three year deal with Capitol Records"

"Are you serious?!", Beca would shout making the whole cafe turn and look at their table. She'd whisper "sorry" to everyone and would slump back down in her chair, looking apologetically at Richard and then glancing at Chloe who'd be glaring back at her.

"That is amazing news Mr Jones. Where do we go from here?", Chloe would look back at Richard, smiling.

"Well the good news is we have a building here in LA so there is no need to move over to Nashville, although we may need you to come over a couple of times a year", Richard would finish off the rest of his coffee before continuing, "The bad news is that Beca we can't allow you to produce music for other artists straight away"

"What do you mean?", Beca would frown slightly leaning forward and resting her arms on the table now.

"Well, we don't ever take on music producers that have no existing career of being a music producer. So we are going to take you on as an artist and after two years of being an artist you can then choose to stay or move to being a producer", he'd clasp his hands together as he'd sit back in his chair resting his hands on the table.

"So she won't be producing at all for two years?", Chloe would glance between the two of them waiting for an answer from Richard.

"We can allow you to co-produce your own tracks but in terms of other artists we can't allow you to do that until you have done two years as a solo artist with the commitment of at least one US tour"

Beca would be staring down at her hands that were resting on the table in front of her thinking over the offer that was being made. She has wanted this her whole life, the chance to be a music producer. She knows that she can write songs but never thought that they were good enough to be released. She'd look over at Chloe who'd be staring back at her trying to read her expression and know what she is thinking. She'd take a deep breath and would look back at Richard who was waiting for an answer.

"Deal", she'd hold her hand out in front of her for Richard to shake.

The rest of the meeting Chloe and Richard would discuss details and arrange the next meeting at the Capitol Records building where Beca would meet the rest of the team and start sharing ideas for her first single.


"Yo DJ, what's up?", Jesse would say down the phone as Beca would walk back into her apartment after leaving the meeting with Richard.

"Dude, you will never guess what has just happened!", Beca would kick off her shoes jumping over the couch and putting her feet up on the coffee table in front of her.

"I'm guessing the meeting went well then"

"If you call getting offered a record deal with the potential of being a music producer after two years good, then fuck yeah!", she'd shout down the phone to him looking behind her afterwards as she'd hear the door close.

"We need to go out and celebrate!", Jesse would reply after he finished laughing at her.

Beca would watch Chloe walk in and sit down next to her on the couch before answering Jesse, "I'm working tonight but I'll probably hand in my notice and then after my set we can get smashed again like last night". Beca would laugh as Chloe would grab a pillow and hit her in the stomach with it glaring at her. "Jesus woman, put the pillow down", Beca would put her hand in front of her whispering at Chloe.

"Sounds good, I'll see you tonight then"

"See you later Jess", Beca would hang up her phone putting it down next to her on the couch.

"Please don't do anything stupid tonight to ruin this record deal Mitchell", Chloe would glare at her still trying not to smile at the adorable look on Beca's face.

"Chill Chlo, you can come with us if you want. Keep an eye on me", she'd smirk and would wink at her, getting up now and heading over to the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge.

"I don't want to get in the way", Chloe would mumble turning round on the couch to watch Beca in the kitchen.

"How would you get in the way?", Beca would sip her drink leaning on the breakfast bar now as she'd furrow her eyebrows, "Just stay with Jesse while I'm playing my set, and then afterwards I'll come find you both"

"Are you sure?", Chloe would get up now from the couch walking towards her.

"Yeah definitely! You haven't seen me play for months, it'll be fun!", Beca would smile at her watching her walk over.

"Alright well I'll meet you over there then, I'm gonna head off so I can shower and stuff before tonight", Chloe would ramble making her way towards the front door of Beca's apartment, hearing the sounds of footsteps as Beca would follow her.

"Alright then, I'll see you tonight Beale", Beca would lean against the front door which was now open watching Chloe walk down the hallway towards the elevator.

Chloe would walk inside the elevator with the biggest smile on her face and butterflies in her stomach as she'd be feeling excited for the upcoming night out that she'll spend with Beca.

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