Chapter 16

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Beca would roll over in bed the next morning putting her arm over the top of Chloe's waist who was facing away from her. She'd move closer as she'd pull Chloe in snuggling against her hair which was laid out over the pillow. She'd smile as she'd feel Chloe start to wake beside her holding onto Beca's hand and squeezing it. "Who'd have thought badass Beca Mitchell would be the big spoon in bed?", Chloe would whisper in her raspy morning voice, which Beca was slowly learning to find a real turn on.

"Don't go spilling any of my secrets Beale", she'd sigh as she'd kiss Chloe's shoulder before moving to get out of bed. She'd grab a pair of shorts and t shirt as she'd head towards their en-suite of the hotel room to take a shower.

"Where are you going?", Chloe would rub her eyes watching Beca walk across the room.

"I promised you a tour around New York, so that's what I'm going to do", she'd lean against the doorway holding a towel. "Starting with breakfast at Tiffany's", she'd wink before closing the door and turning the shower on.

"Would you like some company in there?", Chloe would shout, biting her lip as she'd wait for an answer.

"That's like asking me if I'm gay", Beca would shout back, "Always... 100% yes!"


After a prolonged shower the two girls would get dressed and head out for their date around New York. Beca would hail a cab before taking Chloe all over the big city showing her all the sights and tourist spots, putting the biggest smile on Chloe's face.

They would take the ferry over to the island to see the Statue of Liberty. They would walk through Central Park stopping every now and then to listen to the people playing their instruments and singing. As well as Chloe stopping Beca every time a dog walked by because in her words "every dog is asking to be cuddled whether it looks at you or not".

When it was starting to get dark Beca would lead Chloe to a small Italian restaurant close to Times Square, not that Chloe knew that. They would be led to their table situated by the window so they could watch the world pass by in the streets while enjoying each other's company.

A young girl with straight black hair would trot over to their table holding two menus. She'd smile as she'd hand the two girls the menus before taking out a small pad and pen. "Hey, I'm Katie and I'll be your waiter for this evening. Is there anything to drink I could get you?", she'd glance between the two girls waiting for them to answer.

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks", Beca would glance up at her before looking back down at the menu.

"And I'll have a vodka with cranberry juice please", Chloe would smile at the young girl watching her walk off before looking back over at Beca who was still studying the menu. "Baby?", Chloe would reach across to take Beca's hand running her fingers over her palm, "Today has been amazing, I couldn't of asked for anything better"

"Anything for you", Beca would put her menu down winking over at Chloe. She'd nod at the young girl who'd bring over their drinks as she'd take a sip. "It's not over yet though, I still have one more place to show you"

Chloe would continue to smile as she'd watch Beca order her food, then following her with her own order. The rest of the meal the two girls would laugh and talk the whole way through their food and then dessert. Beca would pay the bill much to Chloe's annoyance as she complained that Beca paid for everything all day, with Beca arguing back that she was the gentleman in their relationship and Chloe is the princess.

They'd leave the restaurant hand in hand walking through the streets of New York. "Okay, you ready for your last tourist spot?", Beca would squeeze Chloe's hand as they'd wait at a crossing for the green man to tell them when to go.

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