Chapter 21

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The rest of the week between Christmas and New Year, Beca and Chloe visited their own families. Chloe travelling with her family to Florida to see her grandparents and Beca travelling to New York to see her Dad and step-family.

Both girls would arrive back in LA the day before New Years Eve in time to see the new year in with each other and their friends. Due to Beca's new famous lifestyle she had received loads of party invites from various places, asking for her to perform and spend the new years celebrations with them. However, when she got the invitation from Jesse to say that his friends and Aubrey's friends were joining to have one big party, she couldn't say no.

Scrolling through her laptop Beca would be chilling in the front room of her apartment, while Chloe was making drinks for them in the kitchen. Chloe would walk in putting the two drinks down on the coffee table in front of them where Beca's feet were resting. She'd bounce down next to Beca watching her face scrunch up in concentration as she'd stare at the screen, as if Chloe wasn't even there.

Chloe would take out her phone holding it in front of Beca's face now, showing her an advert for a house listing. "What do you think of this one?", Chloe would ask putting her head on Beca's shoulder now as she'd look at the phone as well.

Beca would look up at the phone, furrowing her eyebrows as she'd become confused. She'd close her laptop putting it on the table next to their drinks as she'd lean further down into the sofa putting her arm around Chloe and taking her phone with her other hand. "You already have a house Chlo, why do you want to move?", she'd smirk swiping through the pictures of the house listing.

"It's not for me, it's for you", she'd nudge Beca's shoulder softly smiling as she'd feel Beca's hand rubbing her side softly.

"I don't need a house either", she'd shake her head slightly, giving the phone back to Chloe now.

"Becs you can't stay here forever. You'll need to move out eventually", Chloe would sit up turning to face Beca who'd still be slouching back on the sofa.

"Why? My apartment is fine", Beca would shrug her shoulders watching Chloe, "I have everything I need right here"

"But it's too small", Chloe would hand Beca her drink before taking her own. She'd take a sip before continuing, "What happens when we move in together"

"You'll move into here.. We only need one bed Chloe", she'd raise an eyebrow at her girlfriend smirking now as she'd go to take another gulp of her drink.

"Okay, and what about when we have kids", Chloe would put her drink down crossing her arms.

Beca would choke on her drink slightly, coughing as she'd put the drink back down on the table. "Who said anything about kids?"

"No-one, I was just saying that once we have kids they will need to sleep somewhere and have space to run around and grow up", Chloe was watching Beca go wide-eyed and shake her head slowly while staring back at her. "Wait, do you not want kids?"

"Well I just uh.. Never thought about it before I guess", Beca would sit forward now taking Chloe's hands. "Look we'll start looking for a house okay, but I don't want to move into it until we move into it together", she'd smile rubbing her thumb over the back of Chloe's hand.

Chloe would smile back instantly forgetting about the 'kids' conversation as she'd look into Beca's eyes. "Well, we could buy a house still and then spend time doing it up and making it look perfect before we move in", she'd put her hands on Beca's shoulders now watching her lean closer and put her hands on her hips.

"Sounds like a plan to me", Beca would smile again as she'd lean in to close the gap between them, closing her eyes as their lips would meet. She'd feel Chloe smile against her lips and would move her tongue along the bottom on Chloe's lip, asking for entrance. Chloe would pull away then, standing up while grabbing the two cups from the table and going to walk out of the room. "Woah woah, Beale where are you going?", Beca would be left with her arms outstretched and feeling teased.

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