Chapter 9

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Beca would slowly wake up, rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms above her head. She'd look around the room then realising that she wasn't at home. Instantly remembering what happened last night she'd look over to see Chloe laying with her back to her still asleep. She'd quietly grab her phone from the pocket of her jeans that were laying on the floor, trying not to wake Chloe up. Checking the time seeing it was 08:34am she'd try to decide whether she should sneak out or if she should wait for Chloe to wake up.

15 minutes of very quietly moving around the room and putting on her clothes from last night without waking Chloe up, Beca was now making her way down the stairs towards the front door. She'd pause for a second at the front door, looking back at the top of the stairs where Chloe's bedroom is, thinking about whether or not leaving is the right thing to do. Shaking her head and sighing she'd open the door and go to walk out, but would be stopped nearly bumping into someone.

"Beca?! How are you sweetie?", Chloe's Mom Cindy would grab Beca by the arm pulling her in for a hug without waiting for a reply.

"Uh I-uh.. I'm okay", Beca would clear her throat feeling like everything is going to backfire onto her.

"What are you doing her so early Beca?", Chloe's Dad John would ask her as he'd follow his wife into the house and through to the kitchen.

Mumbling to herself she'd shut the door and quickly follow them into the kitchen, hoping to finish the catch-up with Chloe's parents quickly and still be able to leave before Chloe woke up. "I uh stayed the night on the couch sir so I was just leaving", she'd ramble out quickly to them as she'd start to back her way out of the kitchen.

"Nonsense stay for breakfast, that's why we're here. It's a tradition on Chlo-bear's birthday to cook her breakfast", Cindy would speak up as she'd start to unpack a shopping bag full of breakfast food.

"Oh no I wouldn't want to-"

"Mom? Dad?", Chloe would walk into the kitchen fully clothed yawning slightly as she'd interrupt Beca and stop her from leaving.

"Happy Birthday darling!", Cindy would shout as she'd run over to Chloe and hug her tightly making a smile spread over Chloe's face.

"Thanks Mom, hey Dad", Chloe would walk over to John who'd hug her and kiss her forehead.

"Happy Birthday Chlo-bear", he'd smile at her before lifting his mug of coffee towards Beca who was stood awkwardly by the door trying to avoid eye contact with Chloe. "We caught this one trying to sneak out this morning"

"Sneak out?", Chloe would raise her eyebrow looking over at Beca.

Beca would open and close her mouth trying to find the right words to say as she'd be looking back at Chloe trying to read her facial expression. "Well I-I just thought you'd like some quiet today and didn't know that your parents would be round so early", she'd rub her hands together nervously waiting for Chloe's reaction.

"But she's going to stay and have breakfast with us so that we can catch-up on everything that has been happening", Cindy would be handing John utensils so he could start cooking both of them with their backs to the two girls.

"Sounds good", Chloe would clear her throat looking away from Beca now as she'd walk over to make herself a coffee.

A half hour worth of small talk later with Beca trying to avoid the awkward glances from Chloe every so often, the two of them would now be sat up at the table with an array of breakfast food in front of them ready to dive into. "This looks amazing Mrs B", Beca would speak up as everyone would start to put food onto their plates.

"Yeah thanks Mum as always for doing this on my birthday", Chloe would pour out glasses of juice for everyone.

"So what did you two girls get up to last night?", John would ask as he'd begin to eat.

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