Chapter 32

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Beca and Jesse would be carrying in a box each from the moving van as they were starting to move Chloe's stuff from her house to the couple's new house. As they'd walk into the house, they'd be welcomed by both of their girlfriends calling out orders as to where things needed to be placed. "Those boxes need to go upstairs in the main bedroom", Chloe would point upstairs as she'd talk to one of the moving guys.

"Have you had a say in any of this?", Jesse would whisper over to Beca as they'd both now stand by the front door with boxes.

"What do you think?", Beca would roll her eyes and smirk before putting the box down that was labelled 'Kitchen'. She'd walk up behind Chloe and would wrap her arms around her waist as she'd feather light kisses up her neck. "You alright there boss?", she'd rest her chin on the redhead's shoulder now, smiling as she'd feel Chloe now turn around and wrap her arms round the singer's neck.

"I'm not your boss anymore you know?", Chloe would smile before leaning in to softly peck her girlfriend on the lips.

"Don't remind me", she'd roll her eyes earning a laugh from Chloe now. "Are you happy?", she'd pull Chloe closer now by the waist.

"Very happy", she'd lean in to kiss Beca again with more passion this time. Before Chloe could deepen the kiss, Beca would pull away to say something.

"I've got a surprise for you", Beca would wink at her.

Chloe would bite on her lip as she'd pull away more now to create more distance between them. "What is it?", she'd intertwine her fingers with Beca's now as she'd' squeeze her hand lightly.

Beca would smirk as she'd watch her get excited, "Come on", she'd nod her head before leading her off somewhere. Beca would smile at Jesse, who'd wink back at them both, as she'd walk past him towards the back of the house. "It's waiting for you outside", she'd mumble as she'd open the back door stepping out onto the wooden deck which looked out onto their new garden.

Chloe would look around the garden for her surprise to find nothing out there except a box with no label on it. She'd look back over at Beca who was leaning against the house, watching her. "Open the box"

Bending down to look at the box, Chloe would then jump slightly as she'd see it move suddenly. "What the-", she'd start to mumble as she'd then quickly open the box to find a golden retriever puppy sat inside. "Oh my god", she'd cover her mouth to hold back the massive smile as she'd watch the small dog try and climb out of the box. Chloe would pick the puppy up now with her smile growing wider and wider.

"You like him?", Beca would put her hand on the small of Chloe's back as she'd join her next to her. She'd watch Chloe cuddle the golden retriever and press her nose to the dog's as she'd mumble words to it.

"I love him", she'd hold him in one arm as she'd turn to face Beca. "But why?", she'd look between Beca and the dog now, her smile not disappearing anytime soon. "Not that I'm not grateful but I thought we would have spoke about this maybe", she'd smirk.

"Well, I know you hated being here by yourself when I went on tour and you love dogs so thought why not give you someone who we can love together but he can be there for you when I'm away with work", she'd pat the puppy's head now before glancing over at Chloe.

"I love you", Chloe would lean in to kiss Beca. "Thank you baby", she'd start laughing again as the young dog would wriggle in her arms, trying to escape.

"I'll leave you to play with him and think of a name while I get the rest of the boxes moved in", Beca would kiss her on the cheek again before walking back inside.


Around 4 hours later, all of the boxes had been moved in with Jesse and Aubrey helping to unpack the most important things, including the bedroom and kitchen. Beca and Chloe would now be sat relaxing on their 'C' shaped couch which surrounded a coffee table, placed in front of a flat-screen TV that was hung on the wall. Chloe would have her head resting on Beca's shoulder, while cuddling her puppy against her chest.

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