Chapter 20

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Beca would be staring ahead at the road as she'd be driving her, Chloe and her Mom to Chloe's house with a trunk full of food and presents. Chloe and Jane would be chatting away with Chloe next to her in the passenger seat and her Mom sat in the back. Since leaving Jesse and Aubrey this morning Beca hasn't spoke much and instead has been thinking about how she is going to get Chloe's whole family to like her.

"Are you an only child Chloe? I don't think I've ever asked you", Jane would lean forward in her chair slightly looking over at Chloe from the seat behind Beca.

"Uhm no.. I'm actually one of 4, the baby of the family", she'd roll her eyes laughing now with Jane who would tap Beca on the shoulder to get her to listen.

"Well this one here was an only child, so she's gonna have to learn to share", they'd both laugh again with Beca still staring ahead of her trying to ignore them.

"Yeah I have three older brothers", she'd count them off using her fingers now glancing back at Jane before looking forward again smiling, "Mark, Jamie and Luke"

Beca would tighten her grip on the steering wheel now trying to get her head around the fact that Chloe had three older brothers she needs to impress. "Oh wow, that must of been fun for you growing up", Jane would speak up again.

"Well, let's just say that they used to be very protective when I was in high school up until I left for college", Chloe would notice Beca's face changing from relaxed to worried very quickly. "But they'll be fine today, once they see how happy I am", she'd move her hand to place it on Beca's thigh noticing that her face relaxed a little instantly.

Beca would glance over at Chloe smiling at her a little to show that she was fine and not nervous at all. She'd look up in the rearview mirror to see her Mom smiling back at her and sending her a subtle wink and thumbs up. "Everything will be fine", she'd gulp nervously trying to shake away the feeling as they'd pull up in front of Chloe's parents house.

Chloe would climb out of the car first, running up to the front door like a child to knock on it and wait for her parents to answer the door. Beca and Jane would start getting bags of stuff out of the trunk of the car, looking up to see Chloe be engulfed by both her parents on the doorstep.

"You alright there squirt?", Jane would elbow her daughter taking her attention back to the bags in the back of the car. "Stop worrying, you are going to be fine and the family is going to love you", she'd hug her with one arm before walking off carrying some bags now.

Beca would take a deep breath as she'd shut the trunk and would lock the car. She'd pick up the remaining bags starting to walk up the pathway to the house. Looking up she'd see her Mom being introduced to Cindy and John by Chloe and then John taking the bags from her Mom leading them inside to leave Chloe waiting for Beca by the front door.

"You need some help?", Chloe would go to take a bag from Beca but would laugh a little when Beca would move her arm out of reach.

"I'm good, they're not that heavy", she'd place the bags inside the house now before stepping back outside where Chloe was still stood there. "What are you doing? Let's go inside before you get cold", she'd nod her head in the direction of the house standing in front of Chloe now with her arms folded.

"Look up", Chloe would smile looking up slightly but watching Beca.

Beca would look up and spot the mistletoe hung above the doorway where the two of them were stood. "You're so cliche Beale", she'd look back down connecting with Chloe's bright blue eyes, getting lost in them for a second as Chloe would step closer wrapping her arms around her neck.

"You love it though", she'd smirk leaning in to close the gap between them.

"You know it babe", Beca would smile before kissing Chloe softly. As the two of them would pull away slowly but keeping their arms wrapped around each other, they'd get distracted by someone shouting from the end of the pathway.

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