Chapter 30

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"Beca!", Ben would shout as he'd walk into the singer's apartment early on her first Sunday home.

"Please tell me you didn't give him a key to my apartment", Beca would growl as she'd keep her eyes closed.

"Don't be so mean, he's only trying to help", Chloe would smile as she'd cuddle into Beca, waking up slowly.

"Beca?!", he'd shout again.

"Urgh.. piss off Ben!", Beca would shout back as she'd now rub her eyes to wake up fully.

Chloe would giggle as she'd lean up on her elbow to watch her girlfriend. "You're so grumpy in the mornings"

"I'm only grumpy when I get woken up for no reason... on a Sunday", Beca would smile a little as she'd tuck a piece of red hair behind Chloe's ear.

"You're never angry at me when I wake you up", Chloe would bite her lip as she'd lean down closer to the brunette.

"That's cause you've made me go soft", Beca would wink before pulling Chloe the rest of the way so their lips would connect. She'd roll over so that Chloe was laying back down and she was leaning over her, resting her hand on Chloe's hip.

"What about Ben?", Chloe's breathing would hitch as she'd feel Beca move her kisses down her jaw to her neck.

"I told him to go away, hopefully he listens", Beca would slowly start to move her hand up Chloe's long night shirt that she sleeps in, continuing to kiss her.

"Beca?", Ben would now be knocking on the bedroom door.

"What is it Ben?", Beca would grumble before going back to kissing Chloe, smiling as she'd hear Chloe moan slightly underneath her.

"I've got this for you and-", Ben would open the door walking in but freezing as he'd look over at the bed, covering his eyes immediately with his notebook.

"Dude, what the fuck!", Beca would look over her shoulder, making sure she was covering Chloe from his eyeline.

"I-I I'm sorry.. I didn't see any-anything, I swe-", he'd stutter as he'd keep the notebook held up to cover his face.

"Just get out!", she'd shout again at him.

"Baby it's okay", Chloe would put her hand on Beca's cheek causing her to relax instantly a little. "Ben don't worry about it", she'd hear Beca scoff as she'd continue, "We will be right out"

"Yes ma'am, I-I'm sorry again", he'd walk backwards bumping into the chest of drawers by the door before finally finding his way out of the bedroom.

"If that kid wasn't given to me by the label I would-", Beca would turn back to face Chloe, running a hand down her face in frustration.

"Oh stop it", Chloe would playfully hit her chest, "You and I both know that deep down you actually like him", she'd smile as she'd move to get out of bed.

"Wait, where are you going?", Beca would reach her hand out to grab Chloe but she'd move to quick and would start to put more suitable clothing on.

"I'm going to make breakfast. You need to eat so you are less cranky", Chloe would giggle as she'd look over at her girlfriend still laying in bed.

"I don't need to eat food to make me less cranky", Beca would smirk and wink at Chloe, who'd roll her eyes back at her while putting her hair in a messy bun.

"Sometimes I think I'm living with a horny teenager", Chloe would mumble before walking out of the room to the kitchen.

Beca would fall back onto the bed putting an arm across her face as she'd sigh. "Come on Beca", Chloe would shout from the kitchen as Beca would hear her grabbing out plates and pans.

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