Chapter 37

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Beca would groan as she'd roll over and turn off the alarm that was ringing from her phone. "Is it really Monday already?", she'd mumble before turning back round to spoon Chloe, pulling the redhead closer and kissing softly against her shoulder.

"Don't start that Mitchell.. We both have work today", Chloe would smile and rub her hand up and down Beca's arm that was draped across her waist. She'd open her eyes and look down at Beca's arm, the engagement ring on her finger catching her eye which would make her smile even more.

Beca would open her eyes and look over her shoulder to see Chloe holding her hand out, admiring the ring. "That ring looks so good on you", she'd smile kissing Chloe's shoulder again before moving up to hold Chloe's hand bringing it closer. "Do you like it?", she'd watch Chloe turn over now so they were now facing each other in bed.

"I love it", she'd peck Beca on the lips putting her hand on the brunette's neck to pull her in. "And I love my promise ring", she'd kiss her again. "And I love Bailey", she'd kiss her again. "And I love our house", kissing her again and smiling against her lips. "And I love you", she'd kiss her more forcefully now.

Beca would hold Chloe closer to her now before pulling away, "You deserve the world.. And I'm going to give it to you", she'd whisper.

"I don't need anything as long as I have you", Chloe would smile back at her. "Let's get moving before we're both late", she'd kiss her cheek one last time before climbing out of bed and heading into the en-suite bathroom to shower.


Chloe would smile as she'd watch the children run out of the classroom for a play break. "Do you have any children Chloe?", the main teacher, Sophie, would ask as they'd start to clean up the room.

"No uhm.. Not yet", she'd smile as she'd think about her and Beca starting a family together in the near future. "I really want kids though", she'd put some toys away into a drawer, "I've always imagined having two or three little ones running around in a big garden", she'd smirk.

"Me too.. I have a three year old but me and my husband are currently trying for another one", Sophie would walk over and sit behind her small desk.

"That's amazing. Did Mike want children as well?", Chloe would ask her.

"Yeah, we talked about it for a long time before we got married and stuff like that", she'd look at the emails on her computer. "Have you talked about it with Beca at all?", she'd glance up again to look over at Chloe.

"Uhm.. I brought it up once ages ago when we was first looking at houses and she kind of brushed the topic off", Chloe would bite the inside of her cheek, thinking. "Maybe, I should try and drop some hints around.. I mean we have only just got engaged so there's no rush but I don't want to wait ages after we are married", she'd play with the engagement ring on her finger, smiling again.

"That sounds like a good idea", Sophie would smile as she'd watch her, "If you want I could bring my little one over one evening to see if that helps?"

"Yes! That would be amazing!", she'd clap her hands excitedly, "How does Friday sound? We could share a bottle of wine and you can make Mike drive so you can enjoy a drink", she'd giggle along with Sophie now who'd be nodding her head.

"Sounds perfect", they'd both laugh together now before going out to get the children back in the classroom.


Beca would be busy at work trying to finish a song that was going to be the new single from her second and hopefully final album as a performer. She'd be sat with Ben and Dan at the couches surrounding a small coffee table, with a guitar rested across her lap as Dan and Ben would be writing down the lyrics she was telling them.

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