Chapter 39

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The next week was quiet and awkward between the couple. Neither would bring up the argument they had and both were too scared or still too angry to talk about anything else.

All week both had been at work where they were able to distract themselves from what was going on. Chloe would be the one to pick up Bailey each night from Jane, as Beca wouldn't be getting home till late at night from the studio.

On Saturday Chloe would be in the park nearby to their house as she'd be walking Bailey. She'd sit down on a bench after letting Bailey off his lead so he could run around.

"Chloe?", Chloe would look up to see Tom stood there.

"Tom.. Uhm.. hey", she'd force a small smile as she'd watch him take a seat next to her.

"Haven't seen you in ages, how's everything?", he'd ask her with a smile on his face.

"Yeah things are good at the minute", she'd lie to him as she'd start to play with her hands nervously.

Tom would glance down at her hands noticing that she was nervous, then seeing the engagement ring on her finger. "Things look better than good if that ring is what I think it is", he'd smirk as he'd look back up at Chloe now. "Beca popped the question then?"

Chloe would try to show that just by saying Beca's name at the minute wasn't hurting inside, thinking back to how they are far from good at the minute. "Yeah we've been engaged around a month and together over a year", she'd glance down at her ring now spinning it around her finger.

"Well congratulations, I know that's what you've always wanted is to get married and start a family", he'd then notice the tear falling down her face. "Hey, what's wrong?", he'd place a hand on her shoulder instantly taking it away as he'd feel out of place.

"Nothing, just uhm.. going through a rough patch at the minute", she'd sniff and wipe the tears away as she'd look up to check on Bailey who was rolling around in a pile of leaves.

"You need me to call Beca for you? Get her to come and get you?", he'd ask her, worried.

"No no, she's at work so wouldn't want to disturb her", Chloe would sigh.

"She's at work.. on a Saturday?", he'd look skeptical now.

"Yeah, she has an album coming out soon so has been working late all this week and gone in today cause it's still not finished", she'd stand up now calling Bailey back over to her.

"And you're okay with that?", he'd stand up as well next to her still.

"I can't stop her from working", she'd shrug her shoulders calling Bailey again as he'd now run over.

"The Chloe I know wouldn't of stood for that last year. She would of been down to that studio to drag her back home to spend time with you", he'd wink and laugh a little, seeing a little smile tugging on her lips now for the first time.

Chloe would bend down clipping the lead back onto Bailey's collar. "Maybe I'll do that then.. bring the old me back", she'd smirk before saying goodbye to Tom and walking back home with Bailey following alongside her.


Beca would be in the recording office alone working on the final touches of the last song of her album. She'd have her headphones on as she'd be listening to the track while occasionally pressing buttons and turning dials to try different sounds.

Feeling stressed she'd place the headphones onto the desk in front of her before moving a little to lean back in her chair. Running both hands through her hair she'd start to think about different things from work stuff to home stuff and Chloe.

Taking a deep breath she'd notice the door of the office opening before seeing Charlie then walking in holding a cup of coffee with a small smile on her face. "Hey, how's it all going?", she'd hand the coffee over to Beca now before looking down at the screens in front of the brunette

"Yeah it's fine, keep getting distracted with things but I need to get it done before I leave", she'd sigh again before taking a sip of her coffee. "You should head home, it's getting late"

"You should be at home too", Charlie would smirk as she'd now sit leaning against the recording desk facing Beca. "Why are you avoiding being at home?", she'd cross her arms.

"I-I'm not avoiding anything", she'd curse to herself for stuttering as she'd place the cup down on the small coffee table beside her.

"You can't fool me Mitchell", Charlie would move off of the desk now. "Is there some reason you'd rather be here than at home?", she'd begin to walk slowly over to Beca who was sat more upright in her seat now.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about", she'd move her gaze over the blonde who was stood right in front of her now, leaning over her slightly so her boobs were more or less in her face. Beca would gulp nervously as she'd avoid looking at the girl's chest, trying to stand up and move away now. "I think I should-"

Charlie would push Beca back down onto her chair by her shoulders now moving so she was straddling the singer. Within seconds Charlie would grab Beca by the collar of her flannel shirt pulling her in and kissing her forcefully. She'd move Beca's hands to guide them down to sit on her ass before moving her hands back up to rest on Beca's collar.

Beca realising what was happening as she'd feel her hands on Charlie's ass would now move her head to the side which only caused Charlie to move her mouth down her jaw to her neck.

Opening her eyes Beca would stop breathing for a second as she'd be met with a set of clear blue eyes staring back at her. "Chlo..", she'd take her hand away now as she'd feel Charlie stop and look over as well.

Chloe would have one hand on the door handle frozen as tears would be falling down her face as she'd try and understand what she had just walked in on.

"Chloe.. Chlo, just hang on, alright?", Beca would gulp nervously trying to get Charlie off of her as she'd watch Chloe run away now. "Chloe, wait!", she'd shout after her.

Beca would run down the hallway, leaving Charlie alone in the office, as she'd chase after Chloe. Rounding the corner of the hallway she'd watch Chloe step inside and press the button for the doors to shut. Sprinting as fast as she could to stop the doors she'd reach them just as they'd close.

"Chloe!", she'd shout again before running towards the nearest set of stairs and flying down the many steps before she reached the bottom.

Running out of the main doors now from the building lobby she'd watch Chloe's car drive away from her, realising she was too late. "Shit!", she'd shout before checking she had her keys in her pocket and running to her own car to race home.

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