Chapter 13

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Beca would be smoothing down her blouse and brushing her black skinny jeans off of dirt and dust waiting at the front door of Chloe's house, with a taxi filled with Jesse and Aubrey sat at the end of her front porch. She'd take a deep breath getting herself prepared for what Chloe would look like after the warning at the start of the week. As she'd glance back at the taxi to receive a thumbs up from Jesse the front door would open up and Chloe would step out smiling.

Beca would let her eyes travel down Chloe and all the way back up, taking in what she was wearing. She could feel her palms start to sweat slightly as she'd look over the emerald green dress that fit nicely against her amazing figure. "W-woah", she'd look up to her perfect smile and blue eyes that somehow seemed to shine brighter.

"I know", Chloe would smirk swaying her hips as she'd walk straight past Beca and to the taxi. Beca would follow again running to get in front of her so she could open the door for her to get in. "Such a gentleman", Chloe would wink at her as she'd step into the taxi next to Aubrey.

Climbing into the front passenger seat of the taxi Beca would receive a pat on the shoulder from Jesse who'd lean forward to whisper her, "Good luck DJ"

"So we are meeting the girls from college at the club, Stacie just text me to tell me they have left their hotel", Chloe would be looking down at her phone.

After a short taxi ride into town Jesse would help Aubrey out of the taxi and Beca would open the door and help Chloe holding her hand as they'd walk into the club. The club would be bouncing full of people drinking, dancing and having fun. Beca would notice a space at the bar and so would lead Chloe getting her to stand next to her, putting her arm around her and resting it on the bar so that she was trapped in her hold. "What are you up to Mitchell?", Chloe would smirk glancing at Beca to the side of her.

"I'm ordering us some drinks", Beca would smile waiting for the bartender to take their order.

"I meant what are you doing with your arm?"

"Well seeing as I can't touch you I want to make sure that no one else does either", Beca would signal to the bartender glancing at Chloe before then placing their drink orders.


Chloe would spin round after being handed her drink to find Stacie, CR and Fat Amy stood there smiling. "Girls!", she'd run over and would hug each of them before standing back next to Beca.

"Hey you brought shortie with you!", Fat Amy would wrap her arm round Beca's shoulder giving her a squeeze as everyone would laugh a little.

"Nice to see you too guys", Beca would roll her eyes with a small smile as she'd take a gulp of her drink looking around at the group.

"Well I think you're still pretty cute", Stacie would wink at her before walking off to the bar with the rest of the girls to order drinks.

Beca would smirk watching them walk off before turning to face Chloe who'd be raising her eyebrow at her. "What?", she'd shrug her shoulder, confused.

"Like what you see?", she'd nod her head in the direction of Stacie at the bar.

"What I'm looking at right now is my favourite view", she'd smile feeling proud of herself for saving the situation and avoiding an argument.

Chloe would shake her head, "You're so cheesy", she'd sip her drink as Jesse and Aubrey would now join them.

Beca would wink making Chloe bite down on her lower lip slightly. "Chloe, come on let's dance and leave these two", Aubrey would hand her drink to Jesse before grabbing Chloe's hand and dragging her away to the dancefloor.

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