We Have Him Cornered

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The egos chased anti everywhere, universe after universe finally ending up in jackieboyman's universe. All of the ego's, plus jack himself, all staring at the glitch ready to attack, angry yet curious on what he will do next. The glitch sat there not knowing where else to go, having an intense glare settled on everyone. Anti had his knife ready, but instead of attacking he put the tip of the blade on his finger chuckling. "What are you laughing at? We have you cornered and you laugh?" Marvin said, his eyes glowing a light blue. The glitch sat there and laughed harder "C̵̦͋ǫ̷͆ṙ̴̡ń̸̳ĕ̶͇ŕ̷̫ẹ̶͗d̶̜̋ ̴̻̓m̵̺̓ȇ̵͕?̴͕͌ ̵̥͝T̸̀͜h̵̼́i̸͚̊s̶͎̒ ̸̛̦a̷̝̅ḷ̸̑l̷̜͆ ̴̤͝m̵̲͐e̷͓͆r̶̖̒ę̸̓l̷͎̉ÿ̷̱́ ̴̺͛a̸̻̾ ̸̰̅s̷̳͋ē̵̮t̵͖́ ̵̼̈û̸͉p̶̊ͅ,̸̥̎ ̷̩͗I̷̖͗ ̷̘̽h̶̥͗a̷̝̐v̵͈́ë̶̲́ ̵̜̃a̸̠̓ ̶͂ͅs̴͆͜ủ̴͖p̴̺͒r̵̫͂į̵͊s̷̩͗e̷̞͒ ̶̟͝s̵̼͋ȩ̶̽t̴̛̤ ̷̾͜f̸̣͋o̴̟̒r̸̭̉ ̴̪̉a̷̝͑l̷͔͘l̶͉̄ ̵̫̒o̶̐ͅf̸͔̍ ̸͖́y̴̪̓o̶̤͆u̵̘͝!̸̬͠ ̸̺̂L̴̟̈e̶̻̎ṱ̷̉ ̴͎̄t̶̞̕ẖ̷̈́ẻ̵̲ ̶̤̏s̶̻̊h̶͙̾o̶̼͊w̶̠̅ ̴̮̂b̵̜̉ê̷͍g̷̥̾ì̴͔n̷̩̊.̴̝̈.̶̰͊" Anti cocked his head to the side smiling widely while his eye started to glow, everything around them started glitching and distorting. Anti was planning something and the others knew it, whenever anti planned something it never turned out right, like the one time he planned a birthday party..ahem, getting off topic. The world continued to shift going anywhere and nowhere, everything was too glitchy for anyone to see, everyone's eyes landed back to anti. What did anti mean by 'let the show begin?' What's going to happen to them? Did anti have them corner him for a reason? All of these questions going unanswered, only making Jack more irritated about the situation, he looks at the others seeing how confused they also where and asks himself where anti was taking them. The process seemed as if it was taking decades to complete, wondering if they even where going anywhere. Henrik was starting to get impatient, Jackieboyman getting frustrated, Marvin sighing in discomfort, Jack becoming irritated, and Chase becoming uneasy. Anti started glitching away but the others where too focused of eachother that they didn't notice the glitch fading away into the darkness. "Bros..is it just me or do any of you feel like we're going back in time?" Chase said shifting weight nervously on one leg looking around. It seemed as if no one heard chase and just continued to look at eachother, "bro's!" Chase yelled, he only yelled when he absolutely needed to and he felt like this was the time to let it out. Everyone looked at chase curious as to what he has to say, Chase sighs and repeats himself "is it just me or do any of you feel like we're going back in time?" They all looked around at the tanish tint starting to cover the glitched particles, the world not fully there but not fully gone. Jack, getting more irritated by the second, yells in frustration. Thats something Jack never thought he would do, he was always so light-hearted and looked for the silver lining, but right now that silver lining seems to be running thin. It's like running on thin ice, always cracking behind you slowly catching up while you slowly loose stamina, wondering how much longer it will be before it catches up to you. None of the ego's knew what was happening, why it was happening and what they could do to stop it, so they all just sat and watched as the world slowly started to piece back together. The ego's look around at their new surroundings, everything had a tanish heu and the colors seemed drained, like the old silent movies. The place had nice catchy swing songs in the background that could get even the fanciest person kicking off their shoes and dancing. The place was light-hearted and always had this affect that seemed to make the ego's smile a bit, all of their frustration, anxiety, irritation, impatience, and discomfort leave they're bodies as fast as the feelings came. But then Jack started thinking..if this is a universe with an ego in it..what ego is it? Would the ego be good or bad. Jack finally made his decision thinking that if there was an ego then they would probably be nice. "Let's look around, but stay vigilant, we don't know what could happen here" marvin said as his eyes lost the blue glow and just went back to his normal eye color. Everyone nods and Jack laughs a bit "we have to stay in a group, I don't want this as a horror movie where we all silently get picked off one by one and probably thrown into a sex dungeon before being fucking devoured" "..vhat zhe fuck is vrong with you?" Henrik replied to Jack the bottom of his eye raised wondering if he should start to monitor what Jack watches on a daily basis. All of the ego's burst into laughter and Henrik crosses his arms confused as to why they where laughing but he didn't question it. The ego's soon calmed down and started walking to into a small town, it appears that the town has just rained and there are cars lined up to the right side, even though it appears that it just rained people are smiling and walking about. Some people are nodding their heads to the swing music, some are driving their cars, and some are walking, but something about this universe Jack thought was weird...no one was talking, everything seemed silent. The cars didn't make noise, people's foot steps didn't sound like anything, nothing here made sound except for the swing music that seemed to never go away.
Sorry this is all I have for now, if I kept writing I was probably going to spoil some stuff I wanted to put in the second chapter. It was hard to stop myself but I did. Hope you enjoyed this so far.

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