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Everyone sat there staring at Jameson, except for Marvin and Jackieboyman of course. Jameson finally calmed down after the scene but doesn't care about the others staring at him, its all normal to him. Almost everywhere in his universe he went people would stare at him, their cold emotionless eyes burning in the back of his mind, he knew everyone else though his universe was happy and uplifting but once you know it as long as Jameson has..the more you realize everyone there was just an empty shell of who was once there. But Jameson, he was different, he could feel, pain, sadness, greif, happiness, excited..all of it. But the one thing about him is that he's too forgiving. Jameson snapped out of his dream like trance feeling an icy cold tingle go down his back, a tingle he knows way too well. He sighs trying to keep his mind free but his voice keeps echoing in his head.


Listen to me

None of these people here actually care about you..

Not the way I do

Just give in and everything will be alright


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Jameson put his hands over his ears trying to clear out the flood of words coming from the man. But the more he tried to block out the worse they came until all he could see was black..

A small voice could be heard in the darkness..

Its getting louder and he starts to see white, his head pounding and ears ringing.


Jameson snapped his eyes open, eyes darting looking at his current situation, he wasn't in the chair anymore, he was on the floor. The Jameson tried to process what happened the more his head pounded, "Dude you ok?" Chase questioned kneeled beside Jameson. Henrik was also next to him, except checking a part of his head which he only assumed he hit it on, "zhat vas a nasty fall zhat left a nasty gash..and Jackie has my medical stuff.." jack got up from his spot on the ground, "i'll get your stuff, make sure he'll be ok" Jack left Chase and Henrik to help Jameson. Chase kept Jameson company and helped him throughout everything while Henrik pressed the hankercheif Jameson had on the gash, "so vhy did you freak out" Jameson looked at Henrik questionably, not remembering anything that really happened. Chase studdied Jameson's face then looked at Henrik with a worried face, signaling that he thinks Jameson suffered some type of amnesia during the incident. Henrik gave back the worried expression and checked to see if the bleeding stopped, which it hasn't, "you don't remember anyzhing zhat happened in zhe past 5 minutes?" Jameson thought for a moment, his head starting to hurt and slightly shakes head giving up. "Do you remember your name and how we got here?" Jameson nodded, forgetting that Henrik was tending to his wound, the sudden nod made Henrik jump a bit causing him to put more pressure than he intended on doing. Jameson flinched feeling the pain shoot from his head to his entire body letting out a silent whine, "jesus vhy are you so unpredictable??" Chase glared at Henrik wanting to snap back but Jameson gives him a reassuring look and then smiles at Henrik. Henrik got kinda uncomfortable with the smile because it wasn't his normal friendly smile, you had to look close at which type it was, but the smile Jameson gave was an angry yet peaceful one. Which confused Henrik, "i'm tired bro.." Chase said rubbing his eyes "vhat? How are you tired right now?" Henrik replied rather lazily, Chase shrugged and yawned "zhere's also nozhing to sleep on." "The floor?" "Zhats gonna be uncomfortable" Henrik chuckled.

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