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Warning: some sort of abuse.
"I know but I'm tired!" Chase said clearly irritated, "Vell i'm sorry I can't help you, find your own vay to sleep and stop annoying me wizh your whining." Henrik snapped back hurting Jameson by accident again, this time Jameson had enough and pushed Henrik off him standing up. But he got dizzy and immediantly fell back down, Henrik facepalmed and sighs "don't start bleeding again, I just stopped it." Chase yawns and lays on the ground letting his hat fall off revealing the parts of his head that has been neglected for so long, some parts tangled and other parts just everywhere. But Chase didn't care, he never cared, he found no point in caring, he was depressed anyways so he never really thought anything he did was worth anything. Henrik sat there watching Jameson, then he looked at Chase, wanting to say something about his hair but thought it was best to just keep quiet. Henrik sighs and looks around "vonder where zhey vent" Henrik said, not really expecting anyone to answer, Henrik looks at Jameson, seeing that Jameson was watching Chase. Henrik looked at Chase and goes next to him, light snores could be heard from him, Henrik was suprised on how easily Chase could just pass out on the floor, almost like he had to sleep on floor many times before...Jameson watched Henrik and Chase deciding it would be better to just let them be. Henrik got up and sat in the chair rubbing his temples, thinking on what to do, Jack is looking for Marvin and Jackie because they have his medical stuff, Jameson is still bleeding and Chase is asleep. Jameson could tell Henrik was stressed about the situation and scooted next to him, not know how he could help but just sat there hoping his presence could at least help him. Chase started clenching his hands into fists and starting to cry, but no one seemed to notice.

A girls voice could be heard, Chase looked around and saw he was sitting on the couch, he looked up and saw a blonde girl wearing a pink shirt. Stacy..Chase smiled

"Hey Stace. What's up?" Chase responded eagerly, this was the first time in months he got to see her.


Chase held his cheek, stunned at the sudden slap "..what was that for?"

"You know what it was for" Stacy said in a harsh tone, her hand ready to hit him again.

Chase stood up knocking over a couple wine bottles, knowing that they're Stacy's. "N-no I don't" Chase stuttered fixing his hat.

"Your an irresponsible little shit, sometimes I feel like i'm raising 3 kids and not 2. You're supposed to be their father, not their friend that they can just do whatever without any rules around." Stacy said angrily giving Chase a harder smack.

Chase held his his cheek again, "ow! Aren't you supposed to befriend your kids? It helps them with-ow!" Stacy hit Chase in the side, knowing he was vulnerable there.

"Stacy listen to me i'm tryin-ow! Stop!!" Chase held his side.

Stacy growled "'trying' isn't good enough!"

"Ow! I'm sorry-OW STOP! I'M SORRY!" Chase looks past Stacy seeing his kids standing there looking terrified.

Chase jolted awake shaking and crying, gasping for air, he felt like he couldn't breathe, he was gripping his chest. Henrik rushed over to Chase "Chase calm down! Zhe more you freak out zhe vorse it vill get" Jameson went over and gently pats Chase's back worridly watching him. Chase slowly calms calms down clearing throat and breathes in and out finally feeling like he wasn't dying. He looked at Henrik and Jameson, seeing that Henrik was talking but he wasn't paying attention, he was busy thinking about his dream...

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