Come One, Come All

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Finally Jackie woke up and Chase was the first one to rush over and see if he was ok "holy, i've never seen you zhat vorried ever since.." Henrik looked at Jack and brushed it off, "nevrrmind."

Jackie looked around confused about what was happening, "uh..hi?" Chase hugged Jackie like he was going to lose his child "hey..ow.." Jackie hugged back gently rubbing Chase's back. "Little bit of amnesia, zhat is quite normal, Chase your hurting him."

Chase quickly let go of Jackie readjusting hat "sorry bro"

"No worries" Jackie responded "I need you to answer some questions before ve do anyzhing elze." Henrik said clearly annoyed with this small greeting.

While Henrik and Chase where talking to Jackie, Jack deciced to watch Jameson, his movements weren't like the others, morely old timey and neat. Seems like he knows what to do, even though he probably doesn't know.

Soon Jackie got his strength back and started walking around, Jameson gave Jackie thumbs up and he returned the gesture.

Soon Jackie had memories flood into his mind and he gathers everyone up quickly telling then what happened. "Me and Marv where just talking, I was trying to cool him down and then out of no where we just get jumped in the darkness. I tried fighting whatever it was off buuuuut that didn't turn out so well and it took Marvin!" Jackie explained worridly and everyone listened intently while Jameson just listened like he was being told a childrens story, but no one was paying attention to him so he was free to do what he wanted.

Out of nowhere the light turned a bright green as smoke started filling the small area and the once black surrounding turned into grey walls with green reflecting off of them. Everyone panicked except for Jameson who stood in the middle of everyone trying to look into the smoke.

"Theres someone there" Jack said looking into the smoke.

Everyone looked into the smoke swatting some away from their faces as they began to cough.

"Come one, come all this is Marvin's last call!"

Marvin appeared as the smoke vanished, but something was could only see one eye and it glowing an exceedingly bright green and he held one kind of card in his left hand. The cards where the same, they all had this cracked hole that was pitch black and a septiceye in the middle of it. Marvin's mask was cracked on the left side and man bun was down slightly going over his masked.

"We're waiting for the magic, I, hope you remember all your lines the audience is dying for some action!" Marvin sated proudly before the world twisted and turned in a sickening manner before they all ended up in what seemed to be like a circus area filled with tond of people and spotlights on them.

"And I thought tour made me nervous.." Jack mumbled before looking around at all the blank stares, yet they seemed to be staring right through you. Even Jackie was uncomfortable at all the attention, Marvin smirked, his eyes scanning over the other egos before throwing a card to Chase.

"Poof" was all Marvin said before the sam on the card popped out squirting a weird substance in Chase's face, making him cough before passing out. The sam disappears and Henrik rushes over to Chase checking on his vitals before Jackie cracks his knuckles and charges full speed at Marvin, now angry that he would do something like that. Jameson soon became overwhelmed about all the eyes on them and trying to regain himself, Jack also charged head first Marvin trying to see if they could knock Marvin out.

After the 10th attempt Jackie was able to hit Marvin on the side of the head and knock off his mask causing the world to go back to the room with grey walls and chair. Jackie quickly picked up Marvin's mask and Jack hits the side of Marvin's face knocking out the magician.

Henrik sighs "great, first it vas Jackie, now its Chase AND Marvin" "eheh, sorry about that doc" Jackie apologized rubbing the back of his neck.

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