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Hey, I'm sorry I haven't been uploading, school has been stressing me out, then I don't get any inspiration about writing. But I'm back now! (Hopefully) also I drew this image!
Chase sighed, thinking they should find a way to finally stop this. He gave Jameson a nod and didn't think much of what the mute said, walking over to the others.

"Guys, we need to do something about this, Anti is spreading to us like an infection. He's playing with our minds and doing everything he can to break us down into piles of dust. We can't forget why we are here." Chase eyes the other egos, and Jack.

Henrik sat there for a minute before getting up, "for once he's right, ve need to keep vorking on a way out." The others nodded before standing and Chase let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Jackie looked at the others before looking at Jameson, who was looking more nervous than excited, shifting from foot to foot and looking down like he was listening to something the others couldn't hear.

"I might know where to start" Marvin's gaze snapped to Jameson, watching him like Lion watching it's prey. "Vhat do you mean?" Henrik's head cocked to the side, kind of wanting to see what would go from there, but also didn't want any violence to break out right now. He didn't want to stitch anything closed.

"Isn't it obvious? He brought us here, he acts weird, he's the direct contact to Anti!" Marvin snarled, his eyes glowing an almost pastel blue.

Silence filled the room, like a wave that rushed onto shore and tried pulling you in. But then a glitchy, maniacal cackle erupted from the silence. It seemed like it went on forever, like someone had told the funniest joke ever, Jameson fell to his knees with a grunt. Like he was pushed down.

"Took ya long enough! I was getting tired" the glitch mocked, moving his puppet's arm to the side before making himself appear.

"Why are we here?!" Jack spoke out before anyone else could say anything, he just wanted answers right now. "Isn't it obvious Jack? The longer your away from your channel, the more I get to do."

The glitch responded with a smirk, letting them ask questions because he rather proud of his work right now.

"So Jameson wasn't real..?" Chase asked, shifting a little. "He's a complicated being, but for now he's a puppet." The glitch demon snickered. Marvin was getting angry, he dashed forward and went to attack, only to have Jameson grab his arm and push him down.

Marvin yelped when he was pushed down, looking at Jameson and seeing his eyes went from the welcoming pale blue to an emerald green and harsh black. "That wasn't a good idea kitten.." Anti cackled.

Jackie moved forward, dodging Jameson's attempt at grabbing him and pushing his hat over his head. Jameson let go and Jackie punched the glitch square in the jaw, the others went in now. They weren't trying to put anyone into excruciating pain, but did if it was necessary. Now by the power of necromancy and how much I don't want to write a fight scene, they pushed Anti to the ground. Chase was focused on bringing Jameson back to reality while Marvin tranported them all back.

Jack immediately went to his room when they made it back to the house, needing to put up another video so his subscribers wouldn't get suspicious. Marvin and Henrik focused on lecturing Anti while Chase was still trying to break the hold.

After that it was like things were back to normal.

But are they?

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