Wait..Who are You?

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Out of nowhere a jack walks up to them amusingly swinging a cane that he just tosses aside, he waves to the ego's smiling widely. Everyone was a bit suspicious since yea know, transferred to a knew fucking universe, they just gave the mysterious jack with the mustache some waves here and there questioning why the jack didn't just say hello. The mysterious jack bowed and motioned to the town, everyone soon became suspicious of the jack and backed up. The jack frowned and tilted his head, an old text box showing up next to him, "what's wrong? Ya'll scared of a fuddy-duddy like me?" (A fuddy-duddy is an old fashioned person) The jack silently chuckles to himself as he shifts his weight to one of his legs. The ego's, feeling somewhat realived that jack does 'talk' but still kind of on edge as to where they where. "You know of a guy named antisepticeye?" Jackieboyman asks, finally someone spoke out. "Nah, but i'd be an eager beaver to help out!" (Eager beaver: enthusiastic helper) Marvin cocked an eyebrow hearing all of these terms "what's your name?" Jack asked, a friendly smile stretched across his face "the name's Jameson Jackson! But ya'll can call me dapper if you prefer!" Jameson's eye slightly twitched but no one seemed to notice except for Henrik, he's been watching Jameson closely this entire time still not trusting him. "So ve aren't going to acknowledge zhat his eye twitched?" Jameson's eyes quickly moved to henrik, then he turned his head keeping the smile "your worrying over a simple eye twitch" Jackieboyman said going over to Jameson and slinging an arm over his shoulder. Jameson almost lost his balance at the sudden interaction but straightened his vest still smiling. "I'm kind of siding with schneep on this one, it does seem kind of weird, i mean he could stab us or something at any minute" Marvin said watching Jameson. "If you think i'm gonna shank ya with a hanker cheif or a pocket watch then ongaurd" Jameson silently laughs "but I can empty my pockets if ya like" Henrik nodded "empty zhose pockets old man." Jameson's smile widened and took everything out of pockets, he had a hankercheif, pocket watch and moose. (hair gel or something like that idk sorry) "Aren't we trying to find anti!" Chase asked looking at everyone "oh, right, well Jameson, you should come with us, you could help us with some stuff" Jack proposed, Jameson nodded and Henrik let out a frustrated sigh "so ve are trusting a Jack zhat ve just met today?" "Yup!" Jackie responded to Henkrik's complaint. Marvin just sighed, his eyes turning sky blue and hands glowing "which universe are we trying out?"
Cliffhanger mwahahahahaha.
I'm so sorry that this took forever I was having terrible writers block and it came out later than I expected. Sorry that this was shorter too, but where do you think they'll go this time? 🤫

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