Crimson Cries

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The longer they stayed in there, the more uneasy the group felt, shadows kept appearing in places they shouldn't be. Jameson was sat in the corner with his eyes closed and his head against the wall, his fingers would twitch every so often. He didn't socialize with the others, he didn't even try to think of a way out, he's been in this position many times before to even try to get out. But he did listen to the others speak, thats always one thing he's been good at, listening.

Chase looked over at Jameson, keeping his gaze on him until everyone turned their attention to him, they all stared at the mute boy, silence crashing in like waves on a shore. Jameson knew they were staring at him, his eyes fluttered open, he jumped a little once he realized how close everyone actually was to to him. He closed his eyes again, hoping they would disappear, he used to love being the center of attention..what happened?

"You did a bold move, puppet."

His hands twitched and he opened his eyes again, his breath quickening. Confusion tushing over his face as he looked around, it was all black. no no, not again, he wasn't going through this again, his eyes darted around as a glitchy figure came into sight, his hands and legs twitching, feeling like they could collapse at any second. Anti stood before the dapper man, knife in hand as Jameson felt tugging at his arms and legs.

"But, I think it was a mistake"
(Warning, depictions of blood and violence being conflicted on smol dapper bois)

A cold object was firmly place on Jameson's neck, causing him to look up at his creator, his lips firmly shut into a frown.

"He was right there..I had them all, right there." The blade got pushed in more, almost breaking skin, but Jameson couldn't move. "Aww..don't give me that look, you knew you had it coming when you disobeyed." Anti scowled, but took the blade off of his throat, trailing the tip of the blade down the mute man's chest and to his arm, he pushed the blade into his arm before swiping down harshly, trails of blood coming off like a cartoon.

Small whimpers came from the silent man as tears threatened to fall, the blood dripping down his arm and hitting the floor like thick rain. "Come on..already almost crying? That was only the first one, the more you cry the more I do." The knife swiped his shoulder, but deeper as now the sleeve to Jameson's shirt was stained red and ripped. Crimson blood dripped from the steel blade, Anti wiped it away with his hand before pressing the tip into Jameson's cheek, the tears finally spilling down his face as the glitch slashed his cheek. His tears mixed with the thick crimson liquid, Anti harshly grabbed Jameson's cheeks, pulling the mute man's face closer to his. "You will not disobey me again, understood?" Jameson didn't answer, feeling the steel blade go through his stomach as intense pain flourished throughout his body, his body shaking as he tried making noise, any noise, any attempt for help, but then stopped when he realized there would be no use.

Jameson nodded, faintly feeling a pat to his head as his body started feeling like it was humming, drowning out sound as his vision blackened, leaving him in only darkness.

                         (It is over ÓwÒ)

Jameson shot up, almost head butting Chase and flailing against Jackie's grasp, his breathing was quick as he grabbed the closest thing to him, which so happened to be Chase's arm.

"Woah woah calm down!" Chase tried calming down the mute man, putting his hand on his chest and pushing him down. Jack looked over and crouched next to Henrik, who was just observing the scene, Marvin also just watched, crossing his arms. Jameson's breathing slowly calmed down as he checked his body for any cuts or blood, his grip on Chase's arms loosening as he leaned back against Jackie. The hero gently rubbed the mute man's shoulder, looking at Chase with a worried expression, the only answer he got was a confused shrug.

Henrik scratched his head in annoyance, slowly getting more and more pissed off by the second, frustration bubbling in his chest, he wanted to know why Anti was putting up this fight, why it was such a big deal to hurt anyone, let alone kill them. He rubbed his face as he took off his glasses, he was sleep deprived and need coffee, badly, going this long without his caffeine intake and trying to figure this out was a death wish for anyone who tried stopping him. He felt a gentle hand rest on his shoulder, which caused him to face the source, when he saw it was Jack he rubbed his eyes, dark circles forming under his droopy eyes.

"You should sleep, you can't expect to function correctly on zero hours of frustration" the irish joked lightly, keeping up the PMA even in dire times. The doctor cracked a smile before sighing, "I can't..not after ve get out at least.." sleep sounded great, but he knows he has to stay awake to solve this predicament they have been in. Henrik doesn't even remember how long they've been trapped in this hell, maybe a couple hours, and by a couple maybe about 28 hours. Henrik closed his eyes, the stinging feeling seeming to slowly leave, sighing in relief...


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